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Download the 720p version.

Watch it all the way to the end. :3

Want the shaders from it? Here you go, you greedy bastards.
Last edited by Warcry; Aug 27, 2009 at 08:12 PM.
I'm not going to lie. I enjoyed this a lot.
It kept me entertained, unlike many toribash videos out there.
You're really good at art, bro. Keep it up.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Narutoh powahs are gay! :O
Gman molestation.


The rest of the vid was great too, kept me entertained, i like the text captions alot too :P
I dont see anything wrong with it really, Great job Warcry.
Wow, I already commented in the comp thread, but this shit was great man. The camera, transitions, music, all of it. It may be because it is still fresh to me, but this might be the best TB movie I have yet to see, which says a lot because Rutzor has made some damn good shit. Im glad I downloaded this, and Im thrilled as hell that this was made for OLDA.


EDIT: holysh*t you found a blotto replay? That dude hasn't played, let a lone posted a replay, in ages xD
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Holy shit balls man.
My mind is plastered all over the walls of my room.
I can not plausibly give this a rating.
My only criticism, no veb/gman/hampa threesome?
Possible skulfuk/veb/hampa/gman foursome?
Amazing work dude.
I feel the need to be in one of your videos.