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[HOW-TO] Making/Joining a Clan
Hey guys, another tutorial with tips and information from Slycooper, .

Here is a tutorial from Delaid, how to Make a New Clan,

Another from HebrewHamr, more tips on making the new clan informative.

Well, that sums up How to make a clan.

Joining a new clan...

-If you wish to join a clan, do not PM any leader or member of the clan. You want to go onto their Clan forum. The way to get to their clan forum, is to go to the Clan Discussion section.
-Unofficial clans..
Joining an unofficial clan, you will see that they have the tag [DSC] before their clan name. An example of that is [DSC] Death Plague. Want to join an unofficial clan, you want to click on the clan name. You want to read the entire first post, do not be lazy. Read the Clan Story, the Roster(Member List), everything. This includes the Application to join the clan. The reason they use an application is because they want to keep people that join the clan neat and organized. Usually, you would copy the application, and paste it in a new message, then fill out the contents. Lets take a close look at an application.

Understanding Applications..
Here is an application that is copied from the clan Pestilance.

In game name-
Best Mod-
Time Zone-
and any other stuff-

Lets break it down a bit.

Ingame name
- Thats means your user name that you play with.
Belt- This is your belt that you have currently ingame. It is important that you fill this out, because certain clans have certain requirements. Some clans want the members to be Blackbelt or Higher. Sometimes, they ask this because the clans take their business seriously. They do not want a white belt in their clan(Thats their opinion). Because most of the time, your belt explains alot. It explains your experience, and how much you play.
Best Mod- They want to know this so they can test you. That means they will get ingame, and they will test you on the mod you are good at, and your skill. Now don't say you like a mod that isn't much fighting. Things like a parkour mod, or a soccer mod. Pick one of the regular mods. Aikido, Wushu, Instagibfeet, lenshu3, Judo, sambo, jousting.
Time Zone- The clan you wish to join wants to know this. It is important because it tells you where you live, what time you go to sleep, or have to leave, for alot of reasons. It helps with organizing events too.

Any other stuff- In this section, you want to explain alot about you, why you want to join the clan, and what you do. You could tell them you sometimes get irritated, you sometimes quit in matches, or insult people. You are a nice person, very active ingame and on the forum, or that you cannot play on weekends. Things like that. You can say why you want to join the clan.

Time for an example application.

In game name- Slycooper
Belt-6th Dan BlackBelt
Best Mod- Wushu, Aikido
Time Zone- GMT -4
and any other stuff- I want to join this clan. Some reasons are I have been playing and seeing alot of your members. They are very good. I am a very good player myself, and I feel that I would fit right in this clan. I am very active on the forum and ingame. I wouldn't leave this clan, I would be loyal. Sometimes a get mad and yell at people that think I am a noob.

Very helpful link that PlayaJ made.
Last edited by Slycooper; Sep 18, 2009 at 05:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Playaj View Post
A few things you missed and looked over. I made a pretty detailed guide a few months ago.

Here it is

Oh nice, I will add the link to the first post.