Original Post
photoshop problem
ok so i select a color then i select a area then i paintbucket it. all that comes out is some shade of grey. then i change color and another shade of grey comes out. whats wrong? ill post a vid if ya wanna see
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It's quite simple. You're using the gradient fill too.

On the toolbar, click and hold on down the paint bucket icon and and select Paint Bucket Tool instead of Gradient Tool.

You shouldn't post non-toribash related issues here, either.
No, actually I think that it hasn't been set to RGB. When you select file - new. Make sure the mode is set to RBG rather than greyscale.

Bash, don't backseat mod.
Last edited by Fee; Sep 24, 2009 at 05:29 PM.
I'll agree with DavidFee on this one, it sounds like your color mode is still in grayscale. If you go to the image dropdown menu, you should be able to change the mode back to RGB, or cmyk, or lab, or whatever you need. Anything screen/display related, just stick to RGB.