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have to pay tc for your clan?
I have been thinking about starting a clan with a few friends. I assumed i would simply think of a name add a tag, make sure everyone is using it and besides our ingame fun that would be it.

Today i went to the clan forums and noticed some guy called delaid or something similar is asking 50k tc for it to become "official". He has no dev tag or something like that is his sig/name-area and is running a TC store for real money, if that is not dodgy i am off to a internet casino and will be a millionaire tomorow.

Now i am wondering if this whole "official" thing is real, if it adds any form of functionality(besides having a thread for your clan(a ridiculous price if that is it, we will use our own free forum if that is the case)).

Now it seems weird to leave that all as a sticky while this is a giant scam but you just never know, and 50k tc is far from nothing.

thanks for any advice you all can give.
No, it isn't a scam. Delaid is a clan admin.

Paying 50K for a board isn't a requirement for a clan, its just a plus. You don't have to pay 50K if you don't want to.

As well as paying, the 50K your clan has to be up to scratch as it will be discussed by the clan council and either accepted or rejected.
Ok Delaid is not a scammer, hes basically the Moderater of the clan forums. The reason for the 50k tc is to pay for your clan to be reconised as an offical clan, you also get your own fourm like these >clans< insted of one thread you get a whole section. Also he sells tc cause he has huge amounts of it and nothing to spend it on, so why not try make some extra cash.
If you pay 50k, you get official clan with your own forum, instead of all in a single thread. And no way Delaid is a scammer! My clans leader payed the 50k and we got official in some minutes. A little tip to get the money faster: Create an account called *clan*bank (example: fkbank) and at the clan [DSC] put a clan bank (then say the clan members to donate to that account, that's how my clan got the 50k). Hope I helped you.