Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[In]Are you In?

Who are [In]
We are an elite few who have been brought together from the pits of hell..Were able to get inside your inside you with our unqiue power and bring you to your knees

How do I get In?
By simply filling out this application! And being 2nd dan or above.

Forum Activity:
Ingame Activity:
How long have you been playing
Why do you want to join?(30 words):
Why should we pick you?(30 words):

Why are you doing this?

We are a new clan and we need members! Replays will help, you will be tested in-game before being accepted.


Originally Posted by Sinistah View Post
Describe "Elite Few."

leet people.

Aka not you

I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Rofl OldJoe, Haha.
And also, Thanks for making this Exie, I had the idea but i had to log off.
Got to it before me, Anyways.
If anyone wants to join fill out the app and /jo [In]
Whoop Whoop
Originally Posted by Magix View Post
Rofl OldJoe, Haha.
And also, Thanks for making this Exie, I had the idea but i had to log off.
Got to it before me, Anyways.
If anyone wants to join fill out the app and /jo [In]

Yus >:|

OFFtopic:TB just crashed
lol I'd consider to join, but I've already posted an application to join Fr3styl..

come on guys, join Exie.

also 2111posts
Best signature ever.