Original Post
[3d IMG render]my entry for the valentines day card.

got bored, so i looked in the design events :]. found the competition and made an entry.

took 2 hours.

i was thinking of making a line of tori's and people fighting and trying to skip inline, i might try that later.

so anyway, took alot of time so can you please comment?

coming soon:
a fighting render swords etc. going to be awesome :].
Well since its TB related I would have expected his carrying pet rock and TC's
but instead theres a flower

[OFFTOPIC]why not have a flower collector item right?[/OFFTOPIC]

anyways I give it a 8/10

though we didn't see the girl
probably lady miska in it
For me its not a valentines card

thats why there is card in the word

It look like a photo your gonna have a date with

not a card

try making another one with this kind of theme