Original Post
John Cage 4'33"
Best song ever I listen to it all day long on repeat.

Imo this is dumbest shit ever, worse than abstract art thats just lines and scribbles.
And he wasn't even the first to do this.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

Cage was not the first composer to conceive of a piece consisting solely of silence. Precedents and prior examples include:
  • Alphonse Allais's 1897 Funeral March for the Obsequies of a Deaf Man, consisting of nine blank measures. Allais's composition is arguably closer in spirit to Cage's work; Allais was an associate of Erik Satie, and given Cage's profound admiration for Satie, the possibility that Cage was inspired by the Funeral March is tempting. However, according to Cage himself, he was unaware of Allais's composition at the time (though he had heard of a nineteenth century book that was completely blank).[14][page needed]
  • Erwin Schulhoff's 1919 "In futurum", a movement from the Fünf Pittoresken for piano. The Czech composer's meticulously notated composition is made up entirely of rests.[15] Cage was, however, almost certainly unaware of Schulhoff's work.[citation needed]
  • Yves Klein's 1949 Monotone-Silence Symphony (informally The Monotone Symphony, conceived 1947–194, an orchestral forty minute piece whose second and last movement is a twenty minute silence[16] (the first movement being an unvarying twenty minute drone).

It's not particularly clever or original, but it's a pretty cool idea in a way. I like how he justifies it as well. The 'music' is in the 'natural' sounds of the audience and stuff...

Then again the conductor undermines it all by pretending that he's actually doing something instead of just, you know.. .sitting down, like a normal person would.
He only gets away with it cus he's famous in the first place, if some noob were to do this first then everyone would be like wtf. The sounds of people coughing and shuffling around is not music.
Although silence is an important part of music, this was merely a statement or publicity stunt, not music.

Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Dude picking his nose at 2:27.

I totally saw him 2nd guy from the right close to the top row.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Although silence is an important part of music, this was merely a statement or publicity stunt, not music.


And that, my students, is how we all should /thread.

I find the idea funny and intriguing because of what m0o mentioned - silence is an important part of music. If you have compositions that have no silence, why shouldn't you have compositions that are composed solely of silence?
Seriously made me laugh the fact people actually got excited and the reporter saying; "¡Well that's one of the most extraordinary perform I've ever experienced!" Although it's a original idea, why making music while you can just stay quiet? :P