Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Want to hold tourneys and events? Apply for GK!
So guys, I have decided!

The list of the people who is getting GK is:

To the others who didnt get selected, dont let this get your hopes down, I will be in need of more gamekeepers soon, until then, aim for being known and respected in the community and gain as many hosting experience as you can.

See you next time,
SlipAnc and the gamekeepers.
Last edited by SlipAnc; Apr 23, 2010 at 05:22 PM.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

My Application

Your name and age: My name is Varkenoss, or Sean. I'm not really
sure which name you were asking for. I'm twelve years old, but please don't
judge me by my age because I'm not trying to sound like a snob but I'm
pretty mature for my age.

Your timezone: I live on the East Coast. Right now it's 4:47. Not sure what the GMT is for that.

Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: None?

The reason why you want to join: I want to join because I want to be more
involved with this game, and I think that this would be a good way to do
that. There's a great community in the toribash community. :3

The reason why we should pick you: I think that you should pick me to be a
GameKeeper because I'm so addicted to this game, and I'm on it whenever I
can. It's like my personal brand of heroin. Except I don't do drugs, which is
another reason why you should pick me!


<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
GK Application
  • Your name and age: My name is Richard in real life and Piemanbob in toribash. My age is 12 years old, turning 13 this June
  • Your timezone: GMT -5
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: I have no hosting experience, since I have used all my ToriCredits for self and clan use, although I have co-hosted around 3 tournaments while giving a "decap me" bonus at my expense.
  • The reason why you want to join: I know that a being a gamekeeper is something that would be interesting and fun. I have seen Huck's tourneys and I would like to have the ability to do that.
  • The reason why should we pick you: I have a wide knowledge of this game and would be helpful towards the community, plus the people who have just started playing the game. I have had a lot of moments where I have thought to my self "Hey, this guy isn't following the rules" An active toribashian like me could help towards that cause.

Last edited by Daxx; Apr 23, 2010 at 03:05 AM.
  • Your name and age: Lauren Nguyen, 18
  • Your timezone: GMT -8:00
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: None, but im sure i could get some training in doing so.
  • The reason why you want to join: The reason id like to join is because Tb needs more active ruling, alot of toribashans like to disrespect, etc, etc; I believe i could do well in enforcing the rules and regulations.
  • The reason why should we pick you: The reason you should pick me is, well, i cant really say who you should and should not pick, the only thing i can say is that im very trust worthy, loyal, and honest. I also make textures and what not, and give them free to the community.
Last edited by Fate; Apr 15, 2010 at 11:08 PM.
My application:

Your name and age: Hans Leal Idalencio, 22 years old
Your timezone: GMT-4, Brasil
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: I make little Tourneys with my friends ( with Prize)
The reason why you want to join: I want to make more friends, help more the Toribash Community and be involved in the game too
The reason why should we pick you: I'm studying PHP, English, Informatic Tecnologic System, and I think if I give a nice Gamekeeper
Your name and age: My name is MrHappy59 I am 13 years old.
Your timezone: UTC -5
Your past hosting experience: None.
The reason you want to join:I have always wanted to hold tourneys and like to help newcomers in-game.I want to be a moderator but I don't think I am suited for a foru moderator.
The reason we should pick you:I have been an In-game moderator twice and both times I think was successfull and I enjoyed it.I was a server moderator in Counter Strike:source also a moderator in Runescape.
Last edited by Tonakai; Jan 6, 2011 at 05:41 PM.
Tits or gtfo.
Your name and age: Hello, My name is Farough. My ingame name is fistfury. My age is 13.
Your timezone: Central. Memphis tennessee GMT - 5
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: I never have hosted anything except friendly tourneys when I first joined for fun.
The reason why you want to join: Well, I've always wanted to help the forum out with something along with keeping the forum filled with lots of entertainment. I thought it would be cool to have a shot at it, I've never hosted an official tourney or the like. I have been always active on toribash, I'm ALWAYS active in the forums, but not so much ingame. My toribash tab is always open and I'm online from about 2:30 in the afternoon to about 9:00 on school days. On weekends I'm on pretty much all day. I would really love to give it a try at gamekeeper. I hope you consider me.
The reason why should we pick you: Most of the reasons are above, but some are. I haven't had much experience in this field. But this will give me a fresh start. I can do whatever is need in an orderly fashion. I can do anything with a good, but serious attitude. I can pretty much enforce the game ingame and in the forums. I think I would do a fine job.

Also: As I've stated in almost every application I've made. Please do not let my age determine what you think of me. I am mature, I've hung out with the right people, I've learned to stay mature even in the worst case scenarios.

Thanks you for taking the time to read my application.

Last edited by fistfury; Apr 15, 2010 at 11:11 PM.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Quick question here. Seeing as I'm very much a forum/single player based Toribashian, should I bother applying for Gamekeeper if so much of the role is quite based in Multiplayer? I mean, I could do a multiplayer tourney now and then if needed but I'd be much more likely to stay forum based, doing replay competitions and the like (as you probably know from the four weekly competitions I've run and the ORMO Cup that's going right now).

So yeah, would my multiplayer inactivity be an insta-no or are there spots open for more specialist people who would be more likely to focus on one area of the overall Gamekeeper job?
@Tamer0: Even though multiplayer tourneys are part of the job description, we will also look at different aspects of your application. So go ahead and apply anyways. We will take other things such as forum events into consideration.
Last edited by Huck; Apr 15, 2010 at 11:41 PM.
Your name and age: My name is Sebastian in real life and I am 15 years old, turning 16 in a couple of months.

Your timezone: GMT -3:00.

Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: Yes, Metal Gods' organization design event hosted by me and Wildslash, GK who will be missed a lot: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=149507
And here is the link of my organization, where the tourneys we hosted are stated: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=132925
Also, hosted some clan tourneys, this one and this. (Sorry for the binned one). And we're planning a design/replay event now.

The reason why you want to join: Because I'm really interested on becoming a GK, although I tried applying for TA and got rejected. And I am also very experienced when time to host tourneys or events come. I hosted forum events with the clan and organization I am the leader at, and also hosted some ingame tourneys with Metal Gods, my organization, and lots of tourneys of my own.

The reason why should we pick you:
Well, I know I am not the best. But I would like if you considered accepting me because of my past expierence with tourneys, events and stuff.
I am very ingame active too, which I think it is really needed, since GK's are also kind of ingame 'police'. I also speak different languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, of course.

Last edited by Sebaa; Apr 16, 2010 at 01:47 AM.