nice 9/10
Tinerr Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Tinerr; Apr 9, 2011 at 04:05 AM.
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
It looks really nice.
I like how you made those metallic parts of the head with a little drop-shadow to create that "behold" effect.
And maybe you should neatly smudge the blue and white inside the eyes together?
You should also add some things in the back of the head.
I had no motivation to think of an idea for the back head x_x, Would any of you two like to have the head?
Ferrock2 probably thought about the tiny white seam (yesh, he is a perfectionist :}) on the back.
That two big screws back kinda look like eyes to me, so the whole back has some ''facial'' feeling. Not really a problem but you could make them smaller or something, or add some kind of writing behind (''positron brain'' :}).
In my personal opinion the head looks pretty good, although I think that the eyes need a little bit more of that blueish color, it seems a little bit "lifeless" if you see what I mean. Also the back looks really good, only thing that should be changed is that "seam" like part of the back. Either ways i love it. :3