Original Post
The Story Of Poopstain
Me and my 15 yr old cousin Cody made a mini-band only containing the two of us that mostly makes silly rap rock songs.

We named it "Poopstain" after Cody's favorite exclamation.

I'm the drummer and he's the guitarist, because he's pretty awesome and I consider myself decent at keeping a nice pattern.

Mostly we just jam and don't really go anywhere, but we wrote one song called "Going Commando" after he realized he was wearing his underwear backwards and we wrote a song about it.

Here's the first few lines, can't be forked to remember the rest.

"Walk into the bathroom
Gotta take a pee
Realize that my underwear
Feels kinda funky
Don't know what I should do
Man, I feel a breeze, how 'bout you?

[Chorus, x2]
Going commando
'cause I don't know
Which way my
underwear should go"

I sing the choruses, he raps mainly because his voice is kinda quiet and he can't sing.

I might post a video later of us jamming if I can find it.
naiyls sucks
/me squeezes tit

this was amazing.

like fucking seriously.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Yea that makes song poopstains, and backwards underwear sound good. ;)
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