Original Post
Check Desc. Watch in HD

ps. also im the guy without any items in last 2 spars
Last edited by Th3CrAzY; Dec 24, 2012 at 03:31 PM.
Why do you have Hours's intro?
Alright atmosphere effects, but you only got to work on the sync during the spars.
By the way, at the end of that clip I mentioned above, it would look so much better if you synced the transition to the other clip with the beat, because you don't use transitions that often, and it would look pretty cool.
The camera movement was alright, but it was just not good at all during the spar, the wall covered the toris and the direction shifts were a bit sudden.
if its counted as stealing sorry im not using or doin anything to make it my logo but im just showing that he is hours...
Well, you could have atleast attempted to use the same type of thing to show off the other players' names.
Would make more sense than presenting only one player in the vid.
Something about the video made it look plain, not sure what, it just gave me that feeling.
Btw, /opt trails 0.
The camera movements were alright. I dont like the fact that you used hour's logo as an intro and to i guess introduce him, but you introduced nobody else. I saw little to no transitions in this video, the camera work was really good though. I suggest you opt trails because some viewers may find it ugly in videos. Also you had really nice sync in this video.

7/10 Not a bad video, but you have room for improvement.
Some of the CC was really good. What bothered me was that there were no credits, except hour's intro at the beginning. You shouldn't have put that in there, just proper ending credits. There were some great sync points as well.

Much, much, much better than your last TB video.