Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Lag bugs
Yesterday it started going on i opened toribash everything looked good then when people go 2 hit each other I get super bad lag.I turned all my setting down
but it still is not helping.The sad thing is i just got a tc booster and i can use it because of this lag.If you can help me to understand why this is plz tell me
Is your computer running other programs? Try to restart it, or refresh processes.

Maybe it's a connection problem. Especially if you play in crowded servers.
No my computer is not running any other programs. I uninstalled the game then re downloaded it.But it's still not working.I don't think it's Connection :T
Could you provide details of your system? Calculating collisions puts more strain on the resources, so it might really be fault of too weak specs. Also, I assume you were able to play without any problems before, yes?

In the meantime, you could look through FAQ sub-board of support, there should be a few threads that adress problems with TB going slow, weak performance and so on. Try to find them and use methods described in them.

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