Original Post
[Tex] My first Cartoon Head!
I am very proud of this. I know there is quite a few things I could fix, but I couldn't exactly change some things because I am not too experienced with Art on computer.
Made with Gimp 2.8
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Jun 13, 2015 at 07:22 AM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Its good for your first, try to play with some shadings on the mouth or eyes

I think its way better if you make the eyes white, then add some shadings around the eyes
I think it's a very clean drawing, which gives it a more professional look. But it's very simple, good start, I encourage you to be more risky with your art. Maybe on your next head just go all out. You can learn a lot from doing that.
Curious aren't you.