Original Post
Sports thread.
Looking through the threads on this forum, I can't seem to find a thread related to sports talk.

I am sure I am not the only one in this community that would like to discuss sport related topics.
Welcome new user, but it has been noticed by that you posted this in the wrong board.
I would suggest you post this in the "Discussion" or "Off-Topic" board.
You might also consider removing this post before a GM see's it, for it can lead to punishments.

From, SkypePro

Crossed out things which shouldn't be here. ~Thrandir
Last edited by Thrandir; Jul 23, 2015 at 12:57 PM. Reason: Moderate'd

please try to post your thread in proper section next time. Suggestions & Ideas weren't the best place for your question, I moved it to Begginer Sanctuary which is board serving purpose of helping new users. Please remember to always read board rules before posting (they are often stickied when you enter board).

About your question- I think that checking Off-Topic board would be wise choice, though I don't see any active sports-related thread at the moment. Alternatively, you can join a clan and talk about sports with your clan mates or check organizations board if there aren't any sports-related ones (I've found one just now, see: ).

Alternatively, you can try creating new thread, but remember to do it in proper board and read its rules before posting.