Sell art or do tourneys (a little bit hard for a beginner), just playing in public lobbies can get a small amount of TC too.
Originally Posted by kacperuni2 View Post
How do i get TC quick as a beginner?


1) In a tourneys or public servers.

2) Making/Selling Textures/Items

3) In Events

4) Playing a lot

5) Dont Spam in the servers Saying “Give me tc free pls”

Thanks For Ask!
As a beginner. You will not get TC quick unless you buy TC. Which you can do with a credit/debit card or through paypal from other players and what not. (paypal is used a lot on here).

Don't expect to get good either at the beginning. thatll take practice as well. Learn what each joint does and use it in combos. its like dominos.

Making Art, eh, its what quite a bit of people do on here, including me. But it isn't for everyone. Making art shouldn't just be for TC. it should be because you enjoy it too.

TL ; DR (Too long didn't read)

Take your time. You wont get TC quick as a beginner. Just keep playing.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Dueling you get 10k per hour

But since your a beginner make art for tc you get around 20k per head texture if its good
I recommend getting comfortable with the game first, then worrying about tc. I've been playing for over 2 years now and just recently have begun getting oodles of tc. Patience is key.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
or do u mean
1. Beg some money (not really) then pay it soon as possible
2. duel someone with low only u will get bankrupt if high :P
3. Go to tourneys I know its just 500tc .
4. Go to betting server, bet someone who is winning or decap someone to get the decapprize.
5. U can buy stuff now.
6. Enjoy your tc!