Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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What anime/show/anything changed your life the most
Feel like this will be quite fun.

What show or anime or movie or really anything fictional changed your perspective on life and changed you as a person?

For me it would be Parasyte:
I learned that humans in generally are selfish that anything that could kill them off, they will try to destroy it even though that's the exact thing they do to animals. I learned that you need to be cold blooded and sacrifice what you have in situations and have emotions to be a human in others.

And just in general how Shinichi deals with stuff changed me, I've actually gotten a lot more calmer and thought stuff out before I do anything and really just helped me.

So what are your guys/gals opinions.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
There are many series, movies or books that I consider great and might have some influence on my persona but there isn't really one that'd define me or be a reason for some dramatic change in my life.
I'll give you some examples nontheless:
- After watching NGE + EoE for the second time I had an anxiety/depression period that lasted for a couple of weeks
- Ender's cycle by Orson Scott Card made me want to be an anthropologist and since I'll be starting my PhD next year, I guess that counts as certain level of influence
- Lately I got hit by an anxiety train hard after reading doki doki literature club but I got over it relatively quickly
- aaaand there are couple more that got strong emotional response out of me/fucked me over: Ef - a tale of memories and Ef - a tale of melodies, TTGL, Code Geass, Godfather, Oldboy, Phantom - Requiem for a phantom, certain episodes of Black Mirror and few more I cbf to list atm