Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Forum posting bug
I'm not alone on this, right?

Every time I post a reply the page lags out and then tells me:
The following errors occurred with your submission:
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 15 seconds.

The post actually does go through though. I've seen people with many duplicate posts around the forum lately and I assume they have the same issue.

P.S. this is awfully similar to the login issue I reported before (actions go through however page lags out/gives error)
Last edited by Smaguris; May 14, 2019 at 02:19 PM.
this happens to me sometimes, if my browser laggin it does this but it doesn't really do anything
LMAOOOOO it did it to me on this post, maybe it's a consistent thing with the forums buggin out now idk

only occasionally happens to me

Last edited by Derzai; May 15, 2019 at 04:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
been happening to me a lot recently, also happens when you want to edit a post.. the forum just lags a lot
For the past few posts which have happened over about a week or maybe a little longer, this happens to me. Probably going to happen on this post too.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Happening to me as well, I usually just go back to the page I posted and refresh a few times for the post to appear
I did a quick reply, it took me to the advanced page saying that I have to wait 30 seconds between posts, then I decided to change the message, and it posted 3 times lmao (this happens every time I post something)

Also happened on this post.
Last edited by Derp; May 24, 2019 at 01:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Doesn't happen to me when I use https, although after posting the forum takes me back to the http port.

I think the issue is likely in part due to the https implementation.

That or the servers are experiencing unusually high traffic that is causing the session to time out for posting. Of course it's harder to diagnose as a user.

If I have some time I'll do a more in depth investigation and post my findings here.
Last edited by Tuna; May 24, 2019 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Of course just as I said that it happened on https as well
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Doesn't happen to me when I use https, although after posting the forum takes me back to the http port.

I think the issue is likely in part due to the https implementation.

That or the servers are experiencing unusually high traffic that is causing the session to time out for posting. Of course it's harder to diagnose as a user.

If I have some time I'll do a more in depth investigation and post my findings here.

I'd suggest looking into gateways if it's none of the above. I've witnessed problems regarding it in the past and afaik nothing was done about it. When I run performance test in dev console it shows fairly similar pattern.
Last edited by Smaguris; May 24, 2019 at 10:37 PM.