Original Post
I can not connect to toribash, the problem could be my proxy. but all the ports are open, and i set my firewall to allow tb.exe + toribash.exe. what should i do?

"timeout reached"

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Last edited by suomynona; Feb 27, 2009 at 12:02 AM.
i had exactly the same problem, until a technical of my service of the router come to check the router and he changes some things since the configuration of my router, i don't know exactly what he did, but he said me that he put a ''Dynamic IP'' and since that change the toribash started to work more or less, good.

- first at all debilitate the firewall of the windows
- after that check that the antivirus are don't blocking the ports
- after that be sure that your graphic card and mother board have the ultimates updates..

after doing all this, if the game still don't run you, make one more thing..

go to the property of your area local connection, and then go to the property of Internet Protocol TCP/IP and put the option for write IPS.. (those IP you'll be able to ask to the support of your internet).

good luck.