Original Post
Face Punching Method

Pretty basic face punch. Decaps the head if you do it right.

Turn Frames: 10
Time: 300+
Distance: 100

Hold all

Contract L Hip
Extend R Hip

Space x10

Contract R Pec
Grabby R Hand

Space x2

Contract L Pec

Space X2

Extend L Pec
Contract L Elbow
Extend L Wrist

Space x2

Contract L Pec

Space x1

Extend L Elbow

Space x2

(At this point, you repeat from where we first started the left movements, but for shits and giggles i'll just paste it.)

Extend L Pec
Contract L Elbow
Extend L Wrist

Space x2

Contract L Pec

Space x1

Extend L Elbow

Space x2

There. You've punched a guys head off. Congrats.
Attached Files
FacePunch.rpl (33.6 KB, 36 views)