Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Scene as there is no bars held i.e you can post whatever you want, every post in wibbles is counted as a usless post and dos'nt count as a post, it is just all spam xD.
Yeah, most wibbles posts are spam. So they figure that getting "senior member" or "ub3r" just because you spammed in wibbles doesn't really make sense.
lead Sigma
Your posts count here because this is Rapid Threads . <_< So yeah users above me wrote the right answers . Posts doesn't count because almost all of them are spams .
Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
veb did a thingy so if you post there your post will not count,

Actually suo did, and it was a good choice imo.
XCamelot: I have no pants on
roblenny: Neither do I, roblenny: Let's make out
Originally Posted by Hykimachi View Post
Your posts count here because this is Rapid Threads . <_< So yeah users above me wrote the right answers . Posts doesn't count because almost all of them are spams .

posts dont count here either? i thought it was only wibbles
It counts here I think.

But it doesnt count in wibbles because some guys spammed their way up to Ub3r. Thats bad wibbles abusal.
Member [o]f Incognito