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New Dedicated Server (taking game suggestions)
So I've got this cute little pentium on a 5 megabit connection with a static IP that sits in my room keeping the room warm and not doin a lot else... I've been planning to set it up as a game server for a few months, but thus far all the games i've liked have had really lousy communities. Toribash has been great fun to me, but moreover the community is a lot of fun and funny people, so i'm giving her to you.

I've got it running a twinsword game with the same rules as the one on the experimental server last week, and i've got one room running a judo game. I figure the computer should be able to handle 5 games without a lot of trouble, so what should i put in the other 3 rooms? That'll be up to you guys.

If theres a previous game someone liked that isnt around anymore, post the rules here and i'll get it running. If theres a mod you wanna try out in multiplayer, post it here and we'll give it a shot. I plan to keep the twinswords up permanently, but the other 4 are up for grabs. I'll check with you guys and see which ones we should keep and which we should get rid of, so we can cycle new games in.

If you wanna come play, open up your servers.txt document in the toribash folder, paste this at the bottom, then close and reopen toribash: "redux 1" "redux 2" "redux 3" "redux 4" "redux 5"

~<3 redux
I would get rid of Judo, keep swords, and get Jousting. I love judo, but theres more ppl playing on the official servers, stick to mods on yours IMO.
Originally Posted by Ghrimm View Post
but theres more ppl playing on the official servers

Figured it'd be nice to have a judo server that's usually empty incase 2-3 people want to go screw around without waiting (either if the main room is super full, or if noobs want some practice), or in case the main server goes down, but if it doens't get much use i'll get rid of it.

Which mod is traditionally used for joust? I see Blaster Joust, Blaster Joust 2, ButteJoust, HorseJousting, JamsjoustingCrutchesmod, and jousting.

I imagine dojo is usually off and the engage distance is pretty high. If theres a set of flags i should use i can go with that, otherwise i think i'll set up regular jousting and make up a bunch of flags. That'll be room 3.

Anyone else have any suggestions?
Jousting settings were traditionally:

Engage Distance: 1000
Match Frames: 100
Turn Frames: 30,30,20,10,10
Mod: jousting.tbm
Flags: 10
Dismember Threshold: 200
Fracture Threshold: 100
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Jousting settings were traditionally:

Engage Distance: 1000
Match Frames: 100
Turn Frames: 30,30,20,10,10
Mod: jousting.tbm
Flags: 10
Dismember Threshold: 200
Fracture Threshold: 100

OK, i have jousting back up with those parameters, as well as a backup dodgeball server since dodgeball goes really damn slow.
Great job, these should be included officially, you can never have too many dedicated servers!
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I'd like to get them stress tested a bit. I'm kind of taking a stab at how much traffic the comp can handle. It should be able to do 5 games no problem, but i'd like to see how it does in terms of stability first at least.

I added wushu as the 5th game, so as it stands the servers are Judo, Twinswords, Dodgeball, Jousting, and Wushu. I'm going to keep them up like this for a little while, unless anyone has any suggestions