
Fastest Way To Get TC

Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Although Kirito is correct, the fastest way to get it, is to buy it. When I first started out way back in the day. i learned how to stretch the market(In easier terms, buy low, sell higher than purchase price.) It's how I got my foundations started. It won't come quick, but it does come. And you will make decent profits if you do it correctly.
Last edited by Hans; Aug 30, 2015 at 03:44 PM.
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
or instead of getting worried about all these ideas... no offence... just buy a booster and keep playin all the time, you can get boosters here:
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
não dói joca
Ok ok ok here we are with bad ideas but mine is simple .3. Just make a alt and a 1k or more TC booster and kick some ass! if you read this you owe me 100 TC c: thanks .3.
Hello there, You better hang on forum to learn how to me a marketeer.
But you need TC first to start marketing, How to get tc?
* Duels
* Tourneys
* Win in the public lobbies
* Go in betting server
* And the best advice is... Try to enjoy, not to get TC.
* Art
* or buy TC, which pretty silly.
Originally Posted by kacperunio View Post

Don't spam in here saying 3 letters for more posts in your profile, say something to help bro.
Last edited by TheHerobrine; Sep 8, 2015 at 02:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm Watching you!
2.duel and just duel take more risk dont care about money and one day when you have like 50k duel it all and if you lost then you need more practice but if you dont lost keep dueling.
Last edited by 77077; Sep 12, 2015 at 01:13 PM.
there are so many ways for being rich
you can do the old "buy low,sell high and get rich" on the market thing,yku can make art or videos if know and open a art/video shop,if you practice too much you can go tourneys or duels/bets,duels is a bit dangerous but is good to do(chances of losing items or tcs for a begginer),decaps can go 10.000TC or higher to who do it and there is a events board on forum index,you get prizes if win a event(mostly the known GM events).
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592