Endurance Onslaught 6.0
GIMP is downloadable. Google it.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Ok I downloaded gimp and I opened it with paint is that correct, and if it is the program still looked the same as paint and when I made the image 128 by 128 pixels it still cut it out. Can I just give somebody the picture and can somebody resize it for me or will that not work?
[uncopyrightable]: I think Blam is the competition donater.
[Carrick]: donater? what does he do?
[WeRd]: donate.
-Full Void Packed- <<<<<http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=84398>>>>>
You said that if you paste your head to The heads folder in Toribash that you can Preview the head using THP. What is THP? I tried the link you posted but it brought me to the home Forums page. Please help ME!
Shewie look it up in the search menu and and can somebody please answer my question?
[uncopyrightable]: I think Blam is the competition donater.
[Carrick]: donater? what does he do?
[WeRd]: donate.
-Full Void Packed- <<<<<http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=84398>>>>>
how can something be new AND improved, if its new, its new, nothing before it, if its improved, that means there was a crappier version before it... pick one D:<
Jdog - You are setting the image boundries, if the image is larger, OF COURSE IT WILL GET CUT OUT! It will have the upper left part of the picture you wanted.... 16384 pixels of upper-left rubbishness. You have to RESIZE the IMAGE. Also, I must point out your stupidity in asking what Gimp is when its mentioned and linked in the first post.

RIP, you can't upload a head yet. Forget it until you buy the game.

THP is probably Tori Head Previewer. But I haven't searched for that, so I might be wrong.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Reread it again. Use a dictionary if you need it.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
ok, i did all the steps correctly and got this message

You have uploaded a new head for the Toribash nickname Fenrir

well i don't see any difference in my character yet
Quite Right

We can reject your offer anytime for any reason we wish to make up. ~veb