Originally Posted by jeffice View Post
Full Name? James D. Korba

Age? 14

How often are you in-game? i havent been that active but any time i have i will get on(i have marching band practice so yeah)

How often are you on forums? more active sinnce i can look on my phone

If you had any previous clans tell us why you left? yes (piv)= the clan i made then [ascend]= it had died, then (entropy)= which was ascend

Why Vanquish? i want to help a clan that is in slight progression

In what ways can you contribute to Vanquish? art if needed and and help (i like helping)

Your best or favorite mods? erthtkv2, and ninjustu

Any bans/infractions if so, Tell them! one but its not very important

Skype username? (We use Skype as a use of communication throughout our clan) jefficesurfer

Tell us about your IRL: i love and bands also in my high schools marching band

At the end of your application post 3-5 of your best replays! i was tested by tully3

Ye sure, nice app, i laughed some times. Pineapples are my favorite fruit. I say yes.
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