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(Vq) Vanquish Recruitment Thread
Hello, if you're here to apply to Vanquish read all the guidelines here.

1. Minimum Belt is Black

2. We are a family clan, as well as a skill based clan. so we are looking for skilled recruits as well as people right into our family.

3. We only accept completely free-form apps but, must include the following guidelines below.

First Name?


How often are you in-game?

How often are you on forums?

If you had any previous clans tell us why you left

Why Vanquish?

In what ways can you contribute to Vanquish

Your best or favorite mods?

Any bans/infractions if so, Tell them!

Skype username? (We use Skype as a use of communication throughout our clan)

Tell us about your IRL

At the end of your application post 3-5 of your best replays!

Don't Bother writing a lazy app they will not even be considered
If we like your app we will take you for an in-game test to see if you have the skills to join Vanquish!
Last edited by Velo; Jul 24, 2015 at 07:04 AM.
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Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
Vanquish Clan Application
Hello I am John, But most call me Taco I am 16 years of age, I am in game almost everyday for a few hours and I am on the forums very often as well, i've owned two clans Berserk And Fancy And left because i suited better as a Lone Wolfe kind of guy, And the clans were going no where, I've been in cyber and my friend had betrayed me so i left.
The reason i would like to join vanquish is because the members seem very friendly and It seems like a good opportunity to put my skills to use and gain more along the way. I can help out the clan by participating in clan wars and possibly making clan logos and art for the clan page.
My favorite mods are AikidoBigDojo, Greykido, and Aikido.
But there is no mod I hate.
I have two bans from a while ago from being accused of scamming.
Skype username: tacoterrorizer
And there inst much about me but i like to draw, listen to music and go long boarding.I don't have many replays due to the fact that i reset my PC But i do have one, But sadly its nothing special
Attached Files
Saven and suplexen.rpl (54.5 KB, 12 views)
Straight Outta Chipotle
Hello Vanquish I would like to introduce myself, My name is Charles AKA Chacha6464. I am 12 and I hope my age doesn't affect my chances of getting into this clan. I am normally in-game but sometimes I have important things to do in real life so I won't be on for like a day if things happen, so i'd rate me a 7 or 8/10 when it comes to in-game active, But when it comes to forum active i'm on all the time, so that'll be a 10 or a 9 in emergencies. I don't remember any previous clans due to a long absence but if i did leave it's probably because of it becoming in-active, or different time zone issues or I seen many people leaving it and it dying. I would love to join Vanquish because i'm looking for a new place to make new friends and you guys seem friendly, and you guys seem very skilled in managing a clan and in-game. I can help with clan wars and just be a active to help have more wars when/if i become a war manager. My favorite mods consist of ABD and Greykido. I have had infractions and 1 ban i forgot why as i said i took a long break. I don't have skype i hope this won't affect my chances of getting in the clan. IRL i have 2 nieces and 1 nephew and sometimes i will babysit or they will want to watch mickey mouse on this laptop so that may be a problem sometimes, but I will probably just give them Netflix on my ps3. I am going to 7th grade and i haven't failed a grade, that's pretty much all i have in my life. I have no replays due to new laptop.
Last edited by chacha6464; Jul 27, 2015 at 03:22 AM.
Death is an option
NO from me chacha, I don't think you are ready to be a member of Vanquish, I am sorry. Hope this explains Avatars reasoning for his no as well
No, to you Chacha sorry, I don't think you're ready for Vanquish yet, as Sled has said.
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Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
The app wasn't great but I know he is a good player.

I have played with him before and he is quite nice in-game.

I say Yes..
Turning over a new leaf!
Green, you are already in a Clan. Please leave that clan if you want to continue being recruited here at Vq. add me on skype: sledge704
Last edited by sledgren; Jul 28, 2015 at 06:46 PM.
Originally Posted by sledgren View Post
Green, you are already in a Clan. Please leave that clan if you want to continue being recruited here at Vq. add me on skype: sledge704

^^^^^^^ No until then
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Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3