i think EvilTurns is the best artist ^^
you know him by any chance?

lol k but i believe at like realistic or kinda mideval textures NightMare is good
and for kind of abstracty tribals BenDover
but my overall fave is BenDover
Hanzo has gotta be up there not just for the art but for helping many thousands of people with their textures. Seems him, nightmare and ben are coming up the most, they are the first people to spring to mind for me too. I agree with gorman as well, lanpenner was making some stunning sets a while back.
Youshop | Art
I'm (mostly) just going to discuss the more active artists.
As you've mentioned it really depends on style being looked for.

If you're looking for tribal, then BenD is pretty much unparalleled there. Branching off into other styles these days. There's others who do tribal too, but too many for me to care about.

Nightmare is great at realistic and the like. Armor, monsters, etc. Although you'd have to deal with his high minimum price and laziness. You could also look for MANtrain to do a realistic set, but I'm not sure if he does requests and such these days.

If you're looking for robotic/armor I can say (with no ego, really) that I'm one of the best in that style. I'm also more than proficient at some other styles (i.e. gman's current set or Shin-Ryuu's). Alternatively, LANPENNER, Danvari and g0lg0 (among others) have some pretty good robotic sets.

And of course there's others, but I'm too busy to remember.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by EvilTurns View Post
Vote your favourite toribash artist.

Originally Posted by CoKe View Post
this is a really stupid should have been "who is your favourite TORIBASH artist"

Anyone else notice something wrong here?
My Sig :D
: D
similar story to hanz0
we all excel in different styles...
none of us can really say that one is better than the other...

but... i am the best.
lets go
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I edit something on the top (first post), there may also be some other good artist we didn't not notice

I think i mention it very clearly, im saying about "Ragdoll" design.

"*Note* This does not include doing signature, avatar or any other design. I am saying about ragdoll."
Originally Posted by EvilTurns View Post
It also help me have a better understanding of which style do you guys prefer. =)

I start up this topic because nabi really wants to know which kind of style is popular, so that we improve our design one step further.

so ur saying that each artist will represent a style?
cus I dont just do tribals... im coming out with a series of anime/semi realistic styled heads soon...

i would suggest finding out who the majorr artists are, ask them for examples of their work and set up voting
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
No one ever mentions me anymore.
Meh, I quit competitively texturing ever since I moved to videos.
Although, I am going to try to perfectly align my own torso parts.