i hope nuclear war wipes out all of the world's technological resources. :3
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by pwned62 View Post
That is certainly true, say the using of nuclear weapons was neccesary, like how the US used them in Japan, then lots of generations would probably have genetic problems from their ancestors effected by the radiation.

tentacle porn is proof of this.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Originally Posted by pwned62 View Post
That is certainly true, say the using of nuclear weapons was neccesary, like how the US used them in Japan, then lots of generations would probably have genetic problems from their ancestors effected by the radiation.

They nuked japan to test the bombs. Not couse they needed to. The war was almost over before they droped them on a city wich didn't really had any army suplies or anything in it.

- The road to tattooing -
You really have no idea what you're talking about. The US dropped nuclear bombs in Japan for a number of reasons, but testing the nukes was an important reason. The first reason was to force Japan into submission without resorting to a huge land invasion, which would killed millions more Japanese and Americans. The other reason was that at the Yalta-Conference in February 1945 the Soviet Union secretly agreed to join the war against Japan within three months of Germany's surrender. The United States wanted to force Japan to surrender before the Soviet Union could enter the war to secure a stronger political position after the war.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
The reason the US is allowed to say who can use nukes is because the US has the most nukes. Srs.

Don't forget about Russia nukes after war.
Originally Posted by Scracky View Post
They nuked japan to test the bombs. Not couse they needed to. The war was almost over before they droped them on a city wich didn't really had any army suplies or anything in it.

Guess this proves that not only religious extremists should not be trusted with devices like these.

I just think that if you are going to forbid something you should not be allowed to have it yourself.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
yeah... Nuclear warfare would practically be the apocalypse... I mean, imagine all the countries, shooting off all of their nukes. Millions and millions of innocent people would die. Im guessing the ME countries are not permitted to use them because there are terrorists and such in those places(not racist). And, if only one of those people gets their hands on this, chaos will ensue. Also, I dont think countries there will ever find it necessary to use nukes for defense. A nuke is fired really far away. And has a massive blast radius. If a country is being attacked, a nuke is not a very smart thing to use when the enemy is practically right outside the gate.
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
Nukes shouldn't even exist. If most humans weren't so stupid enough to make other countries hate us and give them reasons to nuke each other, we wouldn't have to worry about a nuclear warfare apocalypse.
hahah hey, does anyone think global thermonuclear warfare will cause a zombie apocolypse too?
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...