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How about those nukes?
Recently, Obama had a meeting with several leaders in the middle east. Israel was invited too, but they did'nt want to join. This is simply because Obama, being the leader of the more "dominant" country would have told Israel that they could, or perhaps could not use nukes to fight and defend themselves. What I don't understand here is that why is America alowed to use nukes to fight, (not that im a terrorist) and middle eastern countries can't? Now some of the governments over there are corrupt, that is the main reason why they cannot be in control of WMDs, but why not Israel? What do you guys think?
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
I understand your logic but the United States already knows what Middle-Eastern countries can do with WMD's, especially Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. While it's not fair that we won't let them use nukes for self defense, God forbid we let them use nuclear weapons and the program falls into corrupt hands.

I think President Obama was just restricting Middle-Eastern countries from using nuclear weapons because we don't want their governments to use WMD's for conquest and not defense.
The reason the US is allowed to say who can use nukes is because the US has the most nukes. Srs.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
The reason the US is allowed to say who can use nukes is because the US has the most nukes. Srs.

yeah, we don't want any trouble
put it like this, if they bombed us then we would have no choice but to let loose. Then you got a WWIII on your hands.

bring back wibbles
Nuclear warfare is completely pointless, due to mutually assured destruction and most countries know this. Unless it is used by fanatics. And guess where there are lot of fanatics.

I'm not stereotyping, it's just the truth.
The middle east is full of religious extremists.
Originally Posted by Reanimator View Post
yeah, we don't want any trouble
put it like this, if they bombed us then we would have no choice but to let loose. Then you got a WWIII on your hands.


If the American's "let loose" then who will be left to fight? All those nukes would wipe out a country, if not more then one.

That's what i am really afraid of. A nuclear war will destroy the world.
Originally Posted by DoomDrone View Post
they shouldnt use nukes because the ground around the detenation zone would stay radio active for about 50 years.

That is certainly true, say the using of nuclear weapons was neccesary, like how the US used them in Japan, then lots of generations would probably have genetic problems from their ancestors effected by the radiation.
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...