Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Im trying, but not getting anywhere, anyone else want to try and save the day, or help me out by putting 2 wings on both sides?

I know it's not great, but I felt like it

EDIT: Reminds me of a pokébadge btw :v
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Jun 25, 2009 at 09:44 AM.
I do like it, but I wanted to go onto a realistic side, but abstract or any other kind is fine with me. I don't only have to make the medal, you could make it for me and I might happen to send a donation to the cause. I want something around 300 x 300 pixels if you will. But I am still working on this, but I am having a really hard time doing this in gimp. Wings are really hard!
Well, I am making the medal, not as an award, but for these slots for the upcoming Runners League Grand Champions

^^ We are working on everything, even the title D:

MapleLeaf: I might use yours, It looks cool, and I like your style. I'll PM you.
Last edited by Slycooper; Jun 25, 2009 at 10:06 PM.
well, here is what I have now, I just added some little stuff.

EDIT: Didnt see it so big, I will put 56K warning, but a mod needs to put it in the title
slycooper: here's a suggestion. Instead of having the two tori's at the top running, make a new layer with like, 50% opacity with a big picture of someone running.

like this:
If you want to emboss on the medal, make a new picture, a bit smaller than the medal. Then put whatever you want embossed on it. Go back the the medal, go to filters->light and shadow-> lighting effects, go to the BumpMap tab, click Enable BumpMap, then choose the other image. It will become embossed in the medal. Then play around with the settings. If you want it embossed the other way, simply go back to the runner (or whatever) picture and go to color-> invert values, then BumpMap by it. Hope this helped.
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