Original Post
I tried making a medal, for an competition about the Runners League. I'm not so experienced at making things from scratch, so give me a break. This took me a while to do, and the fact that I am really lazy. Please give me suggestions on how to make this better, and any other ideas that you want to share. I would really love feedback, because I am not happy with this, it needs a lot of work. I made this medal in Gimp, and plan on only using gimp.

And again, please give me ideas on how to improve on this, show me your styles and help me out. I don't have a time limit on this, but I generally do want to get better at this sort of stuff. Please give me tips and tutorials and how to enhance this medallion using Gimp ONLY.

So far this is what I have with the slots, I need your guys comments and tips on how to improve this, Feel free to edit this yourselves.
Last edited by Slycooper; Jun 25, 2009 at 10:08 PM.
add a picture of a guy running, and emboss it to make it look realistic (i don't know if gimp can do that).
I love you
make it have glare [like shiny] u could just add a shade of grayish white and go to softshade and blend it in to make it shine
Make an outline all around the medal of toris running
like a imprint, also use a bit of a shade darker like copper for the gold.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Im trying, but not getting anywhere, anyone else want to try and save the day, or help me out by putting 2 wings on both sides?