Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yeah where I live winter maximums are like 20 degrees Celsius so it's not cold at all. I don't it has ever actually snowed at all. But when I've gone to places which have real winters I really hate it. I am much more of a summer person.
Used to love winters, too bad they've been shitty around here in the Netherlands for the last three or four years. Used to be awesome, lots of snow and stuff, everyone outside.
Barely any snow nowadays though, yet equally as cold, oh and frozen over patches on roads and paths which are pretty hard to spot in the early morning (8am) when I'm cycling to school :l
I've still got a couple of scars from that shit.
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Used to love winters, too bad they've been shitty around here in the Netherlands for the last three or four years. Used to be awesome, lots of snow and stuff, everyone outside.
Barely any snow nowadays though, yet equally as cold, oh and frozen over patches on roads and paths which are pretty hard to spot in the early morning (8am) when I'm cycling to school :l
I've still got a couple of scars from that shit.

Pretty much same as here in Finland, it used to have lots of snow and now it's mostly raining water in winters. So I don't quite like winters anymore.
Winter is pretty chill... *Badumcheee*

No but really I kind of dislike it. While I enjoy the holidays, I dislike the cold.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
What do I think about the winter? We need it just like any other season.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Fuck yeah it's summer here. Summer Christmas is the best! BBQ's on the beach and Santa in a pair of jandles. It's sweet as bro.

But as for winter, it's one of my favourites.. I hate being too hot.. It's harder to cool down and I get really lazy.. When I'm cold I want to do things to warm me up and wearing lots of clothes is a normality for me regardless.
Last edited by Zapachoo; Nov 28, 2009 at 04:42 PM.
~#025, reporting in.~
alpha u get mah babiez<3

I absolutely love winter. Skiing, snowboarding, epic stuff. And then there's the cool weather and the warm houses. In the summer everything is hot and that just sucks. If you want to cool down, you can strip until you're nude. If you want to warm up, theoretically you can keep putting on more clothing for ever. Also the days are shorter ( earlier dark and later light again) and I find the dark outside combined with that christmas decoration in the streets ( Lights everywhere) very comforting. Aslo the dark and cool air outside at night is great, I take a stroll every now and then with a friend at night.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
I like winter more then summer.
Cause keeping yourself warm in winter is easier then keeping warm in summer
Originally Posted by Zapachoo View Post
Fuck yeah it's summer here. Summer Christmas is the best! BBQ's on the beach and Santa in a pair of jandles. It's sweet as bro.

Inorite? It just ain't christmas without the flies.
I prefer summer to winter, but in winter, it is always fun to throw snowballs.

That's why I put snowballs in the freezer so I can keep them when summer rolls around.