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what do you think of winter
i dont like the cold and cant stand the bright snow and not being able to take a walk without a huge coat and all that stuff, but for some reason i live in alaska but would rather live in new mexico where i used to live, i like the warm climate and almost lack of snow. what do you guys think of winter and why
It's my favorite season. I prefer the cold much more than the heat, mainly because I hate sweating and I tend to do that quite easily. Plus where I live snowstorms are few and far between.
I used to love winter, because of the snow and because I thought going through one built character. Now that my character is built, I am ready to be done with them. In north-east Ohio we get bad winters from time to time, and it sucks.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I don't like winter just because every year winter seems to try and kill me. If there is only one square foot piece of ice left in a 5 mile radius I will slip on it and break something. Plus I hate driving when the roads are slick cause my car sucks.
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Here down under, we have ridiculously cold winters (at least, i think so), then stupidly hot summers. And no in between. I don't mind winter, and wear shorts all the way through it.
Also, it doesn't snow.
It snows bad here, but I don't really mind it. Waiting for the bus sucks, but when I sleep I can crack a window and not overheat.
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My birthday is in winter which sucks because I can't have pool parties and I have a big pool, so yeah sucks.
I think winter is pretty cool. (no pun intended)
Chucking snowballs at each other is a blast (until you get nailed in the face or balls), and if you've just had heavy snowfall + an ice storm, you get a thick layer of snow covered in ice. :D
Also, skating around on a frozen lake is hella fun. Cold, but fun. Unless the ice cracks beneath you.

One thing i really dislike about winters, however, is the dark mornings. It's basically impossible to get out of bed at 7:30 AM when it's dark like that.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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Winter is my favorite season. Ice Hockey, Skiing, Keeping beer cold isn't a problem, cyclin and driving is more fun on ice. Driving on frozen lakes is kickass.
I like the Darkness too. 24h night > 24h day.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

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