Original Post
Creative Project (Account Prize)
As I am quitting toribash, this account would be no longer useful to me, perhaps other people would make better use of it then me.

So, your task is...

-To design anything about what toribash would be like if YOU can modify it.

This account includes:
-Toriprime til april
-Full persian
-Head texture- Made by GATA member.
-Around 1800 post counts.
-Lucky star Torso Flame.
-4th dan

This would end on February the 22nd.
Last edited by Roronoa_VI; Jan 26, 2010 at 08:44 PM.
If I would be able to do anything for Toribash, I would give hampa the power.
Because he's better in this than any of us.
He would invent better ideas.
And do stuff more properly.

Updated my first post...btw i dont really agree with the max number of entry's thing ...
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
should we post more?

EDIT: adding to my last post:

12.) Tc bonus for belting up or achievments

again, so you have a greater feel of acomplishment when you do something, and it might even encourage people to keep playing, who are bored with toribash...

13.) In the iphone/itouch there should be an app whereyou can check the market/usercard/tc amount/ inventory and mabye even 2d toribash....

14.) t-shirts and shiiz

15.) joints you can rotate, mabye just elbows and wrist, but it would make gameplay more realistic, and more fun....

16.) a 3d texture maker..

you have a blank tori, and pen tools, and you draw ON the tori, then when you exit the program you get the flats...

i know that texturerres (i can't spell it, wait texture-ers, yeah, them) would have a hard time, but mabye just make one pen tool, and colours, so you don't get GREAT detail....

and the templates would be available ingame, with a template of the colours

17.) pose maker:

You should be able to drag parts of the body into certain posiitions to make it easyer to preview textures...


Swap toricredits for USD... I am not sure why but I think you should be able to buy things in the torishop that you can normaly buy only for USD but in toricredits, Obivously they would have to be incredibly expensive, but there should be an option >.<

EDIT: I will copy all my ideas and put them into one post (A new post at the end)
Last edited by CazRules; Feb 20, 2010 at 05:41 PM.
Something about busses:D
you can if u want

im just updating my original post everytime i think of new ideas


oh and btw does the account come with any tc on it?..just wondering

fine if it doesnt
Last edited by dragoblade; Jan 27, 2010 at 08:39 PM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Try to get into any team:like:teachers,msquad,smod
second:try to marketing with flames or rare items.
third:join keepers cause easy can get tc with hosting tourneys.
fourth:if you want to get some real money:make graphic art with another graphics
I really appreciate when people , before leaving toribash , give a present to the community , even if you would have gave 100 tc, it 'd have showed us how you respect and like that communoty , i personnaly highly-respect those peoples ;) , i wish you a good future life .

I also have some ideas for this event , i'll try to work on something : 3.
no prob ..more then i got at the moment
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
well 1st i would love to see a single player arcade/mission sort of thing, ok for example you start of and it gives u a brief intro (example) assassin8r wondered into the big forest and seen a big room, wondering why such a big thing would be placed in the middle of no where, he entered and upon entering there was a black belt judo master(depending on the belt, the harder they are), who challenged assassin8r to a fight, *do you accept* then you choose. and so on and so forth.

also to draw people in the game more so they don't quit when they feel there going nowhere taking forever to get to the new belt, I think that I would add in a small yet noticeable amount of TC gained depending on belt. Whether that means making it so you get more TC per win , or as I would prefer, each time you hit a new belt, you get some TC based on your belt. So maybe 100TC to yellow, 250TC to orange, 400 to green, or some sort of pattern. You wouldn't want the TC gain to be the same each way through or else people would make many alts just to gain TC from white to yellow. That way you have to work for your next belt.
instead of tc its gifts like if you just achieve yellow belt you get sent lets just say orc dq or orc timer and you get too choose one of them and the gifts get more expensive the higher your belt
and to stop people just keep making alts to do that, maybe you could do a ip address thing wherit limits your ip to a certain number of accounts and if you need to go over the limit you contact a mod etc.

ok i hate when this happens to me: i am creating a single player replay and i edit it a few times and i watch it and instead of pressing E again to edit i accidently press space which doesnt save my replay, there should be a "are you sure you want to quit/start again without saving the replay" or something along the lines of that.

you see when you wanna trade something but scared incase when you send tc the other guy doesnt send the item well how about a set up place where you both insert items and you both get to see what you inserted and then theres a button saying are you sure u wanna trade this, then you click ok and the other click ok so then you both know what you are getting

it would be good for toribash for pc to have hair like toribash for the wii, but why not go further, what about hats, necklaces, scarfs,glasses etc they would look cool they wouldnt fall of they would stay afixed to the part of the body where you assigned them.

also a buddy chat system ingame, so you could add friends and if they accept you could press, say f6 which opens up ingame chat and you could see who is on and chat with friends in other rooms and you can create group chat which several people could chat at the same time

blood remains on the person, they are stained in blood when they bleed

also when you get an achievement, you should get a prize like say u get the achievement full orc you then get 500tc for getting the achievement etc

i get annoyed when i do a really good replay and then i want to do something good to finish it off but find out theres not enough frames left, so we should have a button what we press and it opens up a menu and it says change 500 frames to: (how many frames you want) and then done, you can finish of your replay in style

custom stances: instead of the original T stance we choose a stance from numbers 1 - 5 and they are different stances

also this: btw i didnt make it i just found it
Last edited by eightah; Jan 31, 2010 at 03:25 AM.
Wait, what