Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Creative Project (Account Prize)
As I am quitting toribash, this account would be no longer useful to me, perhaps other people would make better use of it then me.

So, your task is...

-To design anything about what toribash would be like if YOU can modify it.

This account includes:
-Toriprime til april
-Full persian
-Head texture- Made by GATA member.
-Around 1800 post counts.
-Lucky star Torso Flame.
-4th dan

This would end on February the 22nd.
Last edited by Roronoa_VI; Jan 26, 2010 at 08:44 PM.
I would like to: put a button next to create a server button that says "Find my friends and clanmates".I would design a item that gives 20%.30%,40% or 50% discount at any torishop (for ever) .For every mod i will add a sertain terrain that suits the mod something like that:
mod:snowboarding terrain: (urban,snowy,rockslide,woods).I will add more details on the tories and improve the quality to the MAX,also i will make Toribash for the PS3 I RLY WANT AND NEED THAT ACCOUNT .Also others should not steal my ideas
Last edited by IcanOwn; Jan 26, 2010 at 04:10 PM.
lsl's temporary qi'd item bank
i would create a better gameplay system where u could rotate the joints aswell as contract/extend/relax/hold
i would create an option for servers that only alow people in your clan to join
i would create another option for servers that if you disconnected lke in the middle of a bet or bbecause ur about to loose ur automaticly banned from that server for 24 hours
(other then offical servers of course)
i would make another option for torneys that u could set on and off wihc alowes you to have an autokick/ban if somone looses a match
i would add features such as hair and realistic cloths that can rip or stain with blood...or could even flap like i the wind if u move to quickly

id add featues of wind/rain for example

rain = ground is slippery and the more it rains the more slippery it gets
if your bleeding and its raining(even if it isnt) the blood sticks onto you and slowly drips realisticly

WIND= you could set where the wind is coming from and even if u just stand still u could litteraly be blown over

the wind options could be BETWEEN a cerain amount of wind's..so it would randomly go between those 2 levels of wind u set

i would add something that would cost like 10-70 dollers for 5 days and what it would do is it depending on what u pay for a certain amount would be deducted from the torishop

for instance

5 dollers/euros or pounds) would be like 7 percent of or something

and 50 dollers would be 80 percent off

id add an option that would pop up in a little menu(next to the game itself ina different window) that could change the mods/setting and all other things like shader settings and stuff

id add skins that u could buy in the torishop(for instanse) 150k would be a suit like the prototype charect(or the infection that goes round him)

id add animated head textures

512x512 sets and more

id add somethign to the torishop 1 day a week(like and event) that could do any of the following

option 1:20-90percent off

option 2:all items are full in stock(only for that day of course)

option 3: for 50ktc u coudl have an offical server jsut for your clan
this option would go on for a whole 2 week maby even a month

id add the option to adjust the size of the joins or where the textures go..and also the shape
so u could make your charecter look like he had HUGE musles

id add a better layout for the world builder
it would be a pop up menu that joins on the side of the game window with EVERY OPTION POSSIBLE
such ass make x bigger/ybiiger u get the point
also there would be an option to make like wheels move or evena square block could rotate where it was

id add things like gears so u would pretty much make any moving object you want(also u could make the gears instagib so if u fall on them or something u would rip apart like u would in real life

private servers(autoban everyone) unless u set pasific people who can join
with a little box that would look like this

|alowance |
|enter name here |

servers that only alow your friends

a button to take the hud away
instead of having to type

/opt hud 0 all the time..

a simple button called hud on/off

starting stancs

for example the game could have like 5 input stances that u start with.even on multiplayer..and u could change it anytime in ptions..or deactivate it

or there could be someting with CUSTOM stances where u can set your stance
but like only 2 at a time

offical training servers
like a sparring server(maby say 5-15 of them)
where u cant dq fracture or disember and u get points for blockng dodgeing and stuff...there could be an option where to give yourself a chalange u can choose if its dq and fracture on and of FOR YOU

another idea i thought was quite cool is joint texture forging
like flame forging?...but just with joints..where u could adjust shineyness and for example the acid texture could be a see-through joint with acid inside but it would not be full...onl like 1/4-3/4 and it would lap around and splash like real water/acid
it could also be quite cool if that part was fractured for instance it could crack and acid and stuff could leak out onto you and the floor
though this wouldn just be wit acid it would be with other things too


SUPERNOVA===== > it could be a flame inside the see-through joint and if it cracked the flame could die out or something

VOID==========> it could be like a black hole / void with smoke and stuff..that when cracked a dark mist could come out

AQUA/MARINE====> could be different shades of water just splashing around and if fractures it would spill on floor(and since theres water on floor if u look at my other idea of RAIN) the part of the floor could become slightly slippery



ToriBash-the art of fighting

which would be like this game except yo would have full levels and creatures that look like toribash joints put together in some wierd way and i thought that it could probaly be implemented in the new xbox 360's project Natal so as you move the camera see's you and your toribash charecter moves acordingly
i would also implement this for the ps3 and the pc seeing as u get camera's on both of them aswell(webcam and that other one)
so you could also becom part of the action


except they woould be REALLY expensive nd you would have to pay for each join like texture sets

and while we are on the subject of joints thre could be a option of breaking joints and other parts that would crack like bones while you play and when they disember it would be more realistic cause there could be a bone sticking out or somthing

since i said something about clothes and stuff earlier i came up with 2 more ideas for that.
1:if your clothes got ripped in a multiplayer match for instance it would be unrealistic if all of a sudden your clothes where restored
my idea was to have the same ripped clothes that u did in the last match ripped and bloodstained stil.. my second part to this is if this where to happen..we could have an option if ur clothes get to ripped or bloodstained yyou would have to get them CLEANED or FIXED..this could be done with tokens bougght at the torishop..not expensive..just like 10-30tc each

2: the great idea behind this is u dont have to al of a sudden get new cloths...some people might enjoy having ripped clothes all the time


i think people who leave in the middle of the game just because there loosing should be punished... the person who stayed should get the tc he would win PLUS 30tc off the other persons account and the person who left


i know in the new version they have added the option to the schoothing that uke fights back...but that can sometimes seam a little boring

so my idea was this

for single player there should be an option where u can choose if uke fights back! and set his difficulty from noob(easy) to nuthug(Super Extream HardCore!) this way new people can train more easily without going onto multiplayer not having a clue wht he is doing

earlier i was also talking about bones breaking and stuff....another option could be actully geting cuts and maby..just maby SCARS

for instance if you where in multiplayer twinswords or something..can some guy hit u across the face with his sword..depending on how hard u where hit u would get a cut/scar there between 1 day and 1 week no matter what mutiplayer match you go to...

QI DRANING..it be cool if u could tae the qi from one account to another..of course this wont be cheap it could be like 50tc per 10qi r something

more then one script at the same time
i find it so anoying sometimes that i cant have free cam and onother mod(say....bloodchanging color or flame shooting#)


there could be a service that was insead of the torishop u actuly when into the world of toribash...what i mean is..if you have ever played a mmorpg theres always shops and things..i was thinking the same thing as that but only alot smaller...just like a room with shops

1 shop that sells joints

1 that sellings gradients

one that sells other stuff like timer and emote

one that sells fulll sets
and of course one that sells things like trails

it would be so awsome

more ideas:

another good one coud be a career mode instead of single playeR(of coursethere would be singleplayer it would jsut be called training room instead)

and the enemies(for instance the UKES) Could be programed with different moves jsut like the challenge uke in the new one

but the furthur you go into the career the harder it gets..u could evenvs some EVIL versions of our hero's such as




it would change toruneys forever..instead of playng intil u where nocked out of hte list..there could be 3..maby even FOUR people playing at once they can work toegether or take eachother apart but it would be so AWSOME!

Last edited by dragoblade; Jan 27, 2010 at 03:48 PM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Three Things

1. When you create a server a window pops up where you can set things like password, maxplayer, max/minbelt, mod, KO-System etc, without typing it into the chat

2. Mod Triggers. Suggested a Trillion times, and would enable hundreds of methods for new gameplay without changing the game too much

3. Giving Midgame-Quitters an Penalty so they can't play for 5 minutes. It's OK to wait for 5 minutes before playing again when you had to quit because of RL, but you surely won't quit intentionally when you have 5 minutes to wait before you can play again...

Sry for bad english^^
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die
^^ Dragoblade, nice effort.

I think that we have some great suggestions, keep it up!

Also added usercard.
Last edited by Roronoa_VI; Jan 26, 2010 at 08:44 PM.
Are we allowed to enter more than 1 idea?

looking at dragoblade, i think that is a yes, anyway:

1.) Joining an official clan should be saved in a database, it would stop noobs using a clan tag without the permission of the clan leader/mods/co-leader(s)

2.) everything available from the torishop that you have to pay usd for should also be purchasble for a certain amount, obviously very high, of course...

3.) When you start your own thread, you should be able to change to title of the post without having to ask a mod, we all find it annoying, and it would save everyones time...

4.) the report buttom should be worked on, sometimes it seems to hard to put into detail what they have done wrong, so options like spam, trying to scam, illegal post

and then they all have sort of sub-options, so in spam it would be smiley spam, multiple illegal posts and so on, it would help moderators keep the forums in-tact

5.) when a part of your body (in game) is dismembered, it should not be able to move again, and when you are decapitated, you should not be able to move once 10 frames after the decap has taken place, it would make in game fighting more realistic , thus making the game more enjoyable, and decaps all the sweeter!

6.) in the torishop when you preview an item, you should be able to move around, uke would be taken out of the ..um... "realm" and you can see what the item looks like while moving

7.) an ebay like bidding/shopping system, so what you bid is automatically taken away from your acount and the item is automatically sent to you

8.) tc fines, if you have a massive build up of infractions, a mod should have the choice of fine or ban, fine being a percentage of your tc, not an amount (because some people are very rich, and some people are poor, the fines would effect them in different ways)

9.) whenever toribsh updates, hampa & co. should look around the forums for threads like this, and take in what they see, hamoa is doing an amazing job anyway, but it might save a little bit of time, getting ideas from the community..

10.) like 9, scripts that have been invented by players, like the shadermaker (blam) should be pre-installed with updates, they would obviously have to be aproved...

11.) when you win. buy an acount (like this) you should be able to transfer anything to the other acount, like toriprime, qi, not any mod powers, not a clan positoin, and most certainly not the clan, but perks, for buying/ winning the acount, almost..

the last one was pretty much what i HOPE to gain from this competition, and also what i think alot of people would enjoy..

EDIT: 11 in short: able to merge acounts...

well, thats it, that is all the ideas i have for the community, gl to anyone else who enters, and i hope i hear from you soon about what you think

Something about busses:D
For online play,I'd say Team deathmatch.

The Op(s) would say a command like /game team deathmatch.But if there's only 2 people in the room,it won't work.

Then,a red box,a blue box and a gray box, would appearin that order from top to bottom on the right side of the screen where names are.Everyone would start in the gray box and distrubeted to the red or blue by a certain type of team match.like one versus all,half versus half,or 1/4 versus 3/4 of the people in the room.

the first people on the list would fight first and the loser would go into the gray box again until the next team match.

Once all of one box is emptied,the other team will get 50 tc per person,and the gamemode would go off until commanded again.

It would make team duels and clan wars a lot easier.Plus fun.