Megumi: Well, I want the phone to be red, only the phone, not the upper part of it. The hair is ok, but, its not the kind I want, I want it realistic. And the eyes are supposed to be blue, and its style isn't what I want. Make it more real, if you can. Not much anime. And the phones dont look real too. Its an good head, but not the way I want
Jordenc: Its awesome, but if you make an shadow effect at the hair (like, you duplicate the layer of the hair, or something like it, and make it darker, got it? As if the sun were making a shadow at the hair.)
I know its sunday but wait for me... almost finished

Last edited by Hagan; Apr 4, 2010 at 04:17 AM.
Phones too big, make it spinny please?
Also, the hair is supposed to be all red. And the eyes, make more realistic²¹³¹²¹³¹²³
Happy easter.
Last edited by ziknon; Apr 4, 2010 at 05:06 AM.
on it
Happy Easter!
Cant make spinny's (dont have the system and it wont work)

Last edited by Hagan; Apr 4, 2010 at 05:23 AM.
Originally Posted by hagan103 View Post
I know its sunday but wait for me... almost finished


What the fuck? I made that head..
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Here is the original:

(deleted head)

You just recolored it and shit.. Explain?

Also, why did you copy my text color ._.?
Last edited by tarektarek; Apr 4, 2010 at 03:50 PM.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
True, but I'm a brown belt and he's 8th dan.
I know I posted the flat but for a good reason.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
You just recolored it and shit.. Explain?

Also, why did you copy my text color ._.?

Yes I bought the head of you remember... so its my head.
I used it as a template to make another anime head. (its my head so there is no problam)
Could you please not send the flat of the head(my head)...some one might use it.
I have seen the flat so you can deleate it.
remember that I bought it of you.