The method is just the method.

If you make something using noob technique but end up with something cool, I'm all for that.
And vice versa
It seems pretty entertaining to me, if you like the song.
And the replays weren't my choice. This what I was able to gather in the one week I originally was given. No i can't use other replays. I need people fighting in a small contained area (that wouldn't move beyond the house) and would DQ within 150-300 frames (to get any sense of syncing).
Let the song get to you, it'll be more entertaining.

For the Inq vid, I purposely chose non vocal track to try to appeal to more people. They said it was repetitive. Music is pretty picky.

And meh. I learned more scripting tricks while at this. I'm sure I'll put it to good advantage later.
Last edited by FNugget; May 14, 2010 at 08:27 PM.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Really nice editing, but the video just wasn't really entertaining for me. The replays were kind of repetitive and the song was fairly generic and not very exciting. The freecam was nice, though.

And christ this two minute time limit is stupid. It's ruined what could have been some stunning videos.

I liked very much the intro, then I only seen repetitive freecam...but it's a good video at all.
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
Well I liked the reference to the offspring video clip. I wasn't totaly excepting this but it was very nicely put. (Instead of fights, I was expecting some more funny poses like in the intro of different members of the community.)
Anyway, this point might be restricted by the competition rules I haven't read.
I really respect all the hard work put in the editing/screen capturing, etc...
This looks really pro.

But as said previously, comes a point in this vid where all replays look alike. Not such a big deal though, the vid is short.
And also on the parkour part. Well I liked the stop and go cam, it gives a clear point of view of the runner. Also it helps not getting dizzy with the "turning camera" used in the rest of the vid which is a good editing choice imo.
And also there is indeed a moment during the parkour where the tori blends into the background. Maybe it doesn't have this trouble in HD, having a slow connection, I'm not used to watch videos in HD, even mine :P

Also yeah sky firelasers, pretty good idea ;)
It isn't yet nice pouring rain but the idea is interresting and it does the trick for this vid ;)

Very nice work once again. Not a revolution, simply a brilliant work and it is fairly enough.

Originally Posted by fnugget
And meh. I learned more scripting tricks while at this. I'm sure I'll put it to good advantage later.

I'm eager and curious to see this
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
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Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
It seems pretty entertaining to me, if you like the song.
And the replays weren't my choice. This what I was able to gather in the one week I originally was given. No i can't use other replays. I need people fighting in a small contained area (that wouldn't move beyond the house) and would DQ within 150-300 frames (to get any sense of syncing).
Let the song get to you, it'll be more entertaining.

For the Inq vid, I purposely chose non vocal track to try to appeal to more people. They said it was repetitive. Music is pretty picky.

And meh. I learned more scripting tricks while at this. I'm sure I'll put it to good advantage later.

The inq vid was sweet.
It was entertaining and the song was good and it was fast paced.

This vid, however, was somewhat boring. The intro took fucking forever, and you spent most of the time in that dojo. There are way cooler environments out there.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Very nice video, can anybody link me to that script where it was raining? 8.9/10 btw

EDIT: what did you edit it with?
Good job war hero. Since, you know, that music video I was emulating was entirely in a room.

jetsnix: no one but me has the script, because I wrote it just for the vid. The vid was edited with sony vegas pro 8.
meant to comment here after talking to you in irc. Love the song, and I think its cool that you tried to recreate the same thing. I agree with Warhero that the intro was a tad lengthy, but I also know what it is like to make an intro for a video and want to build around it, and since you only have two minutes here that probably made it difficult. 17 or so seconds from a 4 minute video seems a lot shorter than 17 seconds from a two minute video.

I also felt that after the parkour things got a bit redundant, but again this is probably at least in part to the time limit as you cant really get creative with such a small amount of time. Also I think you relied too much on syncing and that had something to do with it.

Really though, its a great video, and knowing how much work you put into it does make it that much better for me. Good job, idk if the comp is over, but if not I hope you win.

0: 38-0:52 are GOLD :P, by that I mean thanks for putting me in it. Also if nothing else this is proof that LK plays TB, and that is cool enough for me xD
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