Originally Posted by jetsnix View Post
Exactly how do u do pixel art? :O

shook already posted a tutorial on Tutorials you know?

About the work,
the first gun - smooth the shaders. (Try to think about of the place that light come from and then do it like it should look with the light effects)

the second - the place you hold it looks green paper and again, shaders are not smooth.
Yeah, shook already told me that..

Shook: Hmm..no more than 5 colours huh?

Mkeey, I'll try that.

Tried something:V
Last edited by carloz01; May 19, 2010 at 01:29 AM.
Best signature ever.
Much better. There's a tiny issue with the shading, but you nailed it pretty nicely. Just remember that if the shape changes, so should the shading. In this case, the rocket narrows down towards the tip, but the shading does not. This is a minor issue, but it should still be addressed. Also, you're still using too many colors for the shading. In this case, 4 is just fine. I've taken the liberty to re-do the shading once again, but as you can see, it's not a massive difference.

However, those fins are awkward. Be careful with jagged lines like those. Also, they look like they could snap off easily. Rockets typically have their fins attached to the body along the entire length of the fin, and they're often triangular. Also worth noting is that rockets typically have four fins. Remember that the fin on the right is in the shadow of the rocket, and should be darker than the one on the left. Oh yeah, the middle one casts a shadow as well. You should also practice adding details to flat surfaces, as these can't really be shaded with multiple colors. As a final note, the fire is odd. I've never been good at drawing fire, but i know that fire looks better when it's brighter the closer to the source it is.

Apologies for hounding you like this. It's nothing personal, i just like helping people. :U (I know i'd start being a bit annoyed by now if i were in your place)
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