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Needs dithering, try limit your pallet a lil more, and the light source seems to be... more than one? :3

Originally Posted by firebolt309 View Post
Em...looks like something that would be in Mario?

It's decent, but as the people before me have said, work on your shading. It's rather jagged and rough right now, and it doesn't give the impression of a single lightsource. I won't say that one lightsource is the only correct thing to work with, but it certainly is easier than multiple. Also, keep in mind that a lightsource coming from above looks much more natural than one coming from below.

You should also practice doing outlines, as these should never exceed one pixel of thickness, unless you're deliberately going for a thicker outline, but it should always be uniform. Your outline is also a bit messy, in that it isn't symmetrical where it should be so.

Also, some of the colors you've used are abundant. If you can barely see the difference at x10 magnification, you won't notice it at all at full view, and can therefore be removed. Also, be careful with those near-white colors, as they tend to stand out A LOT.

And as a final note, triggers on guns tend to point outward, so your finger fits into the curve, and the area around the trigger is... Well, air. Except for the finger/trigger guard, which should be a bit thicker than the outline.

For some unexplainable reason, i've felt the urge to show you how it COULD be done.

I only changed the outline and shading, but notice how i did it. The non-straight sections of outline has had the so-called "jaggies" removed, and i've reshaded the gun to show a lightsource in the top-left corner. Also, the trigger area has been made a bit more realistic, though i don't know if this is what you're going for.

This is all just a great big suggestion, and as anybody would tell you, what i'm doing isn't necessarily the right way.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Woow thanks a lot
And yeah, I failed at that trigger r.r

and I'll try to do the shading a bit smoother.
Last edited by carloz01; May 18, 2010 at 04:18 AM.
Best signature ever.
The outline is much better this time, but the shading is... Well, not so good. It doesn't really convey the shape of a cylinder, which is what i guess you were going for. Also, you have waaaaaaay too many unnoticable color differences. You don't need more than 5 colors in most cases, yet i see no less than 14 shades of green. Less colors is easier and takes less time, and there's no need to make different colors where no difference is seen. Also, again, be careful with the near-white colors. Contrast is fine (recommended even), but this is a bit extreme. Alternatively, instead of making the white darker, make the surrounding colors brighter so as to bridge the gap between the colors. This makes for nice contrast between light and shadow, without standing out like a sore thumb.

Handles not shaded yet because of the following part. For instructions on how to shade cylinders, see my tutorial up there in the stickies. Anyways, those are some rather unergonomic grips on that gun. I don't know what to think the hind one is, but the front one, while plausible, is impractical. Triggers typically need something to guard them, so only your fingers set off the gun, instead of some random branch. For the purpose of demonstation, i'll assume that the hind grip is meant to be gripped.

Tadaa! Super stubby handles, yeah, but you get the idea. Also, notice how i darkened the top of the handles. That's because they're below the gun, and as such, will be in the shadow cast by the gun. Also worth noting is that i've only used 5 colors for the shading, and really, more isn't necessary. But keep on practicing, you're getting better.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol