Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I've wanted to fix Spiritwrestling to make it a better choice for duelling since the current state of ABD is a joke right now in "competitive" play since you can just cheese a win by kicking them in the beginning and then tripod. IIRC, sumo is turned off in spiritwrestling, needs slightly more match frames, and a shorter timed dq time. I don't know if turning off self damage would make it better or not. Not sure how I feel about a wrestling mod without points.

removing ankles dq but keeping on wrists is actually good thing and we have a mod for it (sw4) it resolve alot of stuff. and dq timeout prevent random dq. you win only if you really bound your opponent.

no damage is also is a great thing since you are supposed to take down opponent instead of trying to get by score. so it's totally legit choice and require skills in arms locking.

so metagame will be all around how to take down opponent, what probably require more skill then score race

i can throw couple of technical wrist dq replays of sw, so as person who played sw for awhile and on behalf of fl0wers i may assure that wrist dq is essencial part.


(removing ankles dq but keeping wrists dq is totally legit)

i'm all up for limiting amount of bodyparts which you can grab to get rid of blatant lifting on shoulders grab without introducing dms, but it will restrict game to clap on start in order to proceed a throw/pin-down.
but it's safe to say very little ammount of people are able to play this way and most they count is grab gliching with arms and torso, so it's mostly about player skill anyway. (limited grabs prevent doublegrabbing and bounding by grab, so in order to bound opponent you had to work more with joints, to lock opponent's shoulders)

may be some day we will make a tutorial on throws and such and people will try to work it around but untill then abd will pretty much stay, since it's quite easy to get in mod even if you have no idea what are you doing.

hopefully sw mods will become more popular and ideally limited grab mods with no damage, so win or loss will be more or less objective (managed to pin down or not) and exclude dms and points randomness.

limited grabs will limit strategies used (leg grabs, blatannt lifts, shovel, torso/shoulder collapse on grab) and since such strategies are not possible in limited grabable bodyparts situation, such defence measures as dms are pretty much redundant.
dq timeout will prevent random dq, so you can't say it was luck when your opponent kept you bounded for 20 frames or so.
Last edited by snake; Jul 25, 2013 at 11:04 PM.
Wushu mods for sure ! New ones, to minimize randomness (brushu & wushu3). And maybe even wushu mods with a ring to minimize the risk of people running away - even if most of the wushu tournaments that take place forbid such behaviour (with mendatory replays)

  • Matchs are long enough to allow multiple encounters & point comebacks.
  • the discipline is large enough to allow a lot of different playstyles / strategies.
  • dm & frac tresholds are high enough to make dm & frac deserved most of the time,
  • The engage distance prevents touching the opponent on the first frames (favors strategy / observation / adaptability etc...)
  • It's hard enough to see different levels of skill
  • It's an open striking mod which gives spectacular fights at high level, e-sport afficionados want impressive action.

The only things that wushu misses is a decent logical point system, which has been proposed here.

RK-mma / Lenshu3 / Stabjutsu are very good mods for competition as well, I compare them to wushu with higher gravity. But wushu is just above everything else imo ;p

But I think competitions by team should propose a few different mods for each match, like a classic pattern :
3 fights of Aikido-like mod
3 fights of Wushu mod
3 fights of Lenshu-like mod (or rk-mma)
3 fights of TK mod.

This way having a team would make sense, each player would have his speciality.
And we could as well have individual leagues for each mod (Wushu league, Aikido league, TK league etc...).

Mod war is point less, each mod has its own scene and characteristics that people like. The thing is to balance the whole stuff to make an interesting "competition match model"
Last edited by deprav; Jul 26, 2013 at 02:00 AM.
wushu have the highest skill cap from all mods btw, so there is alot of room to become better and almost endless possibilities but it's hard to implement anything artificial to prevent running away that would not harm the gameplay.
Last edited by snake; Jul 25, 2013 at 11:44 PM.
Originally Posted by snake View Post
wushu have the highest skill cap from all mods btw, so there is alot of room to become better and almost endless possibilities but it's hard to implement anything artificial to prevent running away that would not harm the gameplay.

I don't think that implementing a dojo into wushu would harm the gameplay that much.
Originally Posted by Shiggy49 View Post
I don't think that implementing a dojo into wushu would harm the gameplay that much.

A dojo completely changes the meta game.

Wushu is flowy (no clan intended), and it's not running if you and youre enemy are fighting neck and neck with each other 2000 ed from where you started.

A dojo disrupts the flow of that and makes it so you have to make decisions that you otherwise wouldnt make, making where you are in the space of the dojo an imperative factor on your decision making and their being prime real-estate.

It's not a bad thing, but it's a very different thing.
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Yeah with & without dojo are totally different for sure ! But I don't think the presence of a dojo makes it less flowy, I think it can even have the opposite effect ;p

For a time I've played a lot of brushu with a ring, and instead of playing like there was no ring and suffering the limited space I tried to adapt, which led me to learn a few thing (that I'm still learning and improving) :
  • Moving/shifting subtly [like moving on 50/100 distance unit instead of long comebacks], it's even good for dodge ;p
  • Attacking in a way that doesn't push me & my opponent away from each others
  • (Which means)sticking to him to keep fighting constantly instead of attack/cb/attack/cb/etc... in martial art language that's what you would call "closing the gap", and once it's closed you just keep pressure.
  • It taught me how to land properly and stop an unwanted momentum more efficiently as well (in order not to go out of the ring)

Those things I learned with a dojo are appliable without one as well ! It really is about more control and subtility. Maybe having a dojo is the logical evolution of wushu to make it competitive "on the big scene" but we just don't see it yet (+ the point system)

Either this or forbidding running in every competitions, tho I'd like to see where wushu goes if people start playing with a ring more often ^^
Last edited by deprav; Jul 26, 2013 at 02:26 AM.
If we're talking about competitive play (meaning both players are playing to win) then any mod without grabbing favors a hit and run strategy among all else. If there's no dojo, the running can go on forever. If there is a dojo, the player with the advantage can camp on one side of the dojo and defend with his legs/kicks which is extremely effective in this game.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
I completely agree with deprav's comment on RK-mma / Lenshu3 / Stabjutsu.
Stabjutsu is really great but it's a bit overlooked.
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Originally Posted by DaNooB23 View Post
If we're talking about competitive play (meaning both players are playing to win) then any mod without grabbing favors a hit and run strategy among all else. If there's no dojo, the running can go on forever. If there is a dojo, the player with the advantage can camp on one side of the dojo and defend with his legs/kicks which is extremely effective in this game.

Well, in this case any mod with grabbing favors a "grab and never let go" strategy among all else, which generally ends up with much randomness and retarded stiff looking contortionism.

Striking mods (no grab) and particulary wushu, as snake said, have the highest skill cap among all mods. Good players catch up with runners, dodge or block openers, and players who wait in a corner would most likely end up pushed out of the ring.
Last edited by deprav; Jul 26, 2013 at 05:31 AM.
Originally Posted by illv View Post
I completely agree with deprav's comment on RK-mma / Lenshu3 / Stabjutsu.
Stabjutsu is really great but it's a bit overlooked.

only if you mean stabjutsu_original, since it's the only stabjutsu with settings by stabberz. stabjutsu.tbm is just some random upload.

and.. i'm strongly against dojo.. it makes me feel completely out of place and restrict the freedom of movement i love so much.