Masta - You are a junior member who joined two months ago an has 19 posts. I don't take anything you say seriously unless you earn it. It's 5+ DM's, even if it was 3 DM's I do not have any of those either. Did you even watch my replays? Lol.

Kiza - Please, do not try to give me advice when you don't watch my other replays as I already know and utilized that advice. That certain replay was done before most of these others. If you can not take the time to look at all the replays I posted, but have the time to post the obvious and tell me what I already know, then get off this thread. Many people will watch all if interested. Especially the ones from the first page. I can take criticism but you have to had payed attention to all my replays first and that's just a few.

I've been around just as long as you and it'd be wise to get to watch other replays before you make judgement on something that by my other replays I might already know. I understand you don't want new replay makers being confused but this is not a tutorial replay thread. I don't like being "taught" things by people less experienced than me. Even if they are more experienced I think I already know all of that. I posted these replays for FUN not critiquing. You should consider that.

DupBuck - I hardly ever play single player anymore. I only do multiplayer so I can rack up TC and rank. ^,..,^
Last edited by TheLunatic; Aug 23, 2013 at 08:38 AM.
Dupbuck is always turning replay threads into Discussions or sort. anyways i'm gonna gonna check 1 replay cause i have to leave in a couple mins,

Sodapop - Your decap and leg kick made it obvious that there was lowered dm, I didn't really like it, Your movements how you stood still for awhile in hold kinda made the replay kinda bad, you need to be more water-ish. Overall

<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Dupbuck is not to blame because he did nothing wrong. He asked one thing and I replied and explained myself. He did not post then.

I did not edit nor lower anything. That was the default mod sir. Try to replicate it exactly and you'll see I'm right.

I'll only warn 1 more time, before looking at 1 replay and deciding what needs work, look at all the replays listed. It's easy to make assumptions based off my earlier replays. I was supposed to stay still, it's called SODA POP. My Tori was drinking blood much like a chicken. It's all in good fun, please try to read that. I'm not asking you to rate it either.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Aug 23, 2013 at 07:46 PM.
Dude, wow, you can't take Constructive Criticism, now can you?

We're commenting to help you, and if you already know this stuff, why aren't you implementing those skills into your replays? Hmm?

Anyway, I'll just leave this thread in peace now, good bye.

Edit - Also, if you're not going to take advice from others, you'll be stuck doing the same things over and over, you'll never improve as a replay maker at this rate, however, this doesn't seem to be your main concern, so I can't argue with that.

But, all I'm saying is, don't get so prissy over someone being serious on criticizing your replays, they're only trying to help you. It makes me sick, when people only comment "Wow, nice!"
Last edited by Kiza; Aug 23, 2013 at 07:59 PM.
You should take Kiza's advice...

Seems like he thought of everything that needed work. You will really need this criticism so you'll be able to improve. ._.
Originally Posted by TheLunatic View Post
Masta - You are a junior member who joined two months ago an has 19 posts. I don't take anything you say seriously unless you earn it. It's 5+ DM's, even if it was 3 DM's I do not have any of those either. Did you even watch my replays? Lol.

Kiza - Please, do not try to give me advice when you don't watch my other replays as I already know and utilized that advice. That certain replay was done before most of these others. If you can not take the time to look at all the replays I posted, but have the time to post the obvious and tell me what I already know, then get off this thread. Many people will watch all if interested. Especially the ones from the first page. I can take criticism but you have to had payed attention to all my replays first and that's just a few.

I've been around just as long as you and it'd be wise to get to watch other replays before you make judgement on something that by my other replays I might already know. I understand you don't want new replay makers being confused but this is not a tutorial replay thread. I don't like being "taught" things by people less experienced than me. Even if they are more experienced I think I already know all of that. I posted these replays for FUN not critiquing. You should consider that.

DupBuck - I hardly ever play single player anymore. I only do multiplayer so I can rack up TC and rank. ^,..,^

It's easy to point out the bad things and not the good things. Watch all my replays, not just 1 or 2. Read what I've said and keep your negativity to yourself please. I'm not asking for ratings or advice. If I ask you to stop that should be enough. You were not forced to post here. I implement any advice I get to the best of my abilities and have utilized that in multiplayer replays. I HAVE gotten a bit better and that's good enough for me. If you watched all the replays I posted you would know that. But why should I listen to you, if you fail to listen to me? Hmmm...?

This is again, not a tutorial thread, not an advice thread. It's for fun I originally posted it for my friend Dup to see my replays. I am not asking for your approval and I certainly am not trying to get it from someone I don't even know. When I have to say 5 times I did this for fun, keep your negativity to yourself, that's exactly what it means.

The only replay I was even serious on was "Falcon Kick". To me, that is my personal favorite replay next to Birth of a Lunatic. Idc if it's the best or even good enough to your standards. I knew what I was doing, acted fluent and serious most of the time yet still had fun. Isn't that what this game is about? Idc if I get good I'd like to enjoy myself. I'm not perfect and I realize that. That's why I didn't ask for help. If I wanted your tips I would personally ask for them. I said tell me what you think but leave negativity to yourself. Not "Give me your rating and overpowering help."

I posted this for friends to laugh/joke exchange replays and laugh about it with me. With that said I will accept other replays freely and not hurt their feelings about it. I'll casually give advice if they ask for advice. Unless they do, I will just act like an equal and fellow player. If you continue to post here I will see you reported for not honoring my decision. If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all and keep it to yourself. I don't take kindly to people not obeying my thread rules. Goodbye.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Aug 23, 2013 at 10:42 PM.
I'm not sure if you realized, but this entire board is for people to cnc replays and give their opinions on it. If you want only one person to see the replay(s), upload it here, or over skype etc.
These replays are pretty bad, and he just explained why. Stop whining about it and just use his tips (THAT ARE 100% CORRECT) to become better.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Read my previous post. It was well spoken. You can obviously see that I do not care if they are bad so that post was useless.
You edited your post after I said anything, sry.
You're going to get cnc, that's what this board is for. period.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up