Originally Posted by Trikkes View Post
Name: Zubin

Age: 12

Belt: orange (my alt is a 4th dan, he got hacked)

Country and timezone: Canada, Eastern Timezone

How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 10 (when I'm at my dads i can hardly play though, but when I'm at my moms I can post everyday).

Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Actually I was in a clan with a friend I was Co'Leader but then sadly the clan died.

Contacts (Skype, ECT): Skype name: deprived.or it comes up as Sync (Zubin)

Whats your best mods?: Mushu, and of course any mods involving parkouring or sparring.

What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): I can make YouTube videos for the clan (lend my YouTube channel, and it always helps to have a good sparrer (I'm still learning).


Originally Posted by WarCrisis View Post
Belt: Brown
U.S.A Eastern Timezone
In-Game Activeness: 9 Forum Activeness: going to be a 5
No earlier clans though I have tried for a clan but got denied.
I do have skype audio due to lack of webcam on my monitor.
Best mods: Lenshu3 and Lenshu3ng. Working on the main mod Akido.
I can donate 2 orc trails, a gladiator trail, and an aqua trail.

Denied, sorry.
Last edited by Bonzi; Mar 25, 2014 at 12:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Thx bro I'll make you guys proud! Can there be a like Realist rank? (just asking)
Also I'm pretty good at making textures, even if i kinda made my eyes too big (message me if you want a set free for Ztc, all the others it costs 100tc) I could also try to make the clan logo not sure.
Has anyone been able to watch the replay I posted if not, here's the mod:
Attached Files
jumptest1color.tbm (24.0 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Trikkes; Mar 26, 2014 at 03:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
Don't let the clan die... Just saying
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
Good I'm talking to the members, can I please be ranked? Realist's
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
Yes you are... How many clans are going to die while I'm in them!
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
This clan is dead
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
Name: Ben
Age: 21
Belt: Black
Country and timezone: USA, Eastern.
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 7
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): No.
Contacts (Skype, ECT): Steam (BenjaminTheConqueror)
Whats your best mods?: GTBoxing.
What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): I can out-box all our competition. I'm mod rank 41 in GTBoxing.
Originally Posted by sowapatch View Post
Name: Ben
Age: 21
Belt: Black
Country and timezone: USA, Eastern.
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 7
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): No.
Contacts (Skype, ECT): Steam (BenjaminTheConqueror)
Whats your best mods?: GTBoxing.
What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): I can out-box all our competition. I'm mod rank 41 in GTBoxing.

Accepted, keep them forum posts up.