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(TheRisen) The Risen Ones
The Risen Ones W.I.P.









Last edited by Bonzi; Jul 29, 2014 at 08:08 PM.

Originally Posted by TGBlock View Post
Blake Petrenchik
United States eastern
Pretty active 8
TheGreatBlake00 (skype)
I like akido
i'll give textures no proof except mine


Name: Muhamamd Tahir
Age: 13
Belt: Black
Country and timezone: Indiana, Eastern
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 7
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Yes, I left because the clan was inactive
Contacts (Skype, ECT): Skype: m_t_is_my_name
Whats your best mods?: Akidobigdojo, judo, and ninjutsu
What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): Help in war since I am very good in most mods I have some replays
Originally Posted by bash3424 View Post
Name: Muhamamd Tahir
Age: 13
Belt: Black
Country and timezone: Indiana, Eastern
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 7
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Yes, I left because the clan was inactive
Contacts (Skype, ECT): Skype: m_t_is_my_name
Whats your best mods?: Akidobigdojo, judo, and ninjutsu
What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): Help in war since I am very good in most mods I have some replays

Accepted, Welcome.

Black Belt
U.S.A. Eastern timezone
Im starting to play again now that i got computer so i have no real estimate but ill try to be on at least 1 time ever 1-2 days
I was in LOET, and Death i left both
I dont have a head set so no skype and nothing really
Best mods are mushu and abd
I can give help in wars between us and other clans if im on i am good just rusty
Name: Zubin

Age: 12

Belt: orange (my alt is a 4th dan, he got hacked)

Country and timezone: Canada, Eastern Timezone

How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 10 (when I'm at my dads i can hardly play though, but when I'm at my moms I can post everyday).

Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Actually I was in a clan with a friend I was Co'Leader but then sadly the clan died.

Contacts (Skype, ECT): Skype name: deprived.or it comes up as Sync (Zubin)

Whats your best mods?: Mushu, and of course any mods involving parkouring or sparring.

What can you give to the clan? (Proof?): I can make YouTube videos for the clan (lend my YouTube channel, and it always helps to have a good sparrer (I'm still learning).

Attached Files
Trikkes Jumping Finale.rpl (284.5 KB, 6 views)
"When you run in real life watch your legs and arms, you shall then be able to run in toribash" -Famous saying said by... well me
Belt: Brown
U.S.A Eastern Timezone
In-Game Activeness: 9 Forum Activeness: going to be a 5
No earlier clans though I have tried for a clan but got denied.
I do have skype audio due to lack of webcam on my monitor.
Best mods: Lenshu3 and Lenshu3ng. Working on the main mod Akido.
I can donate 2 orc trails, a gladiator trail, and an aqua trail.