Here's my first tricking/corking replay that I'm proud of as a first. CnC for this would be greatly appreciated.
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#Wr - Trick til you stick.rpl (118.1 KB, 43 views)
opener didnt look right for a tricking replay

that little spin was cute

the way you raised your arm to touch the ground was gross. dont do that. bad boy.

that second spin? was slow and awkward, and the way you didnt land it bothered me, like the way you used your hand was gross.

the pose looked bad.

I have to say your in no position to judge replays as good as these, maybe give constructive criticism instead of straight up bashing his replays
Originally Posted by User View Post
opener was twitchy and boring.

the pec skeet was something different but would have been better if i actually decaped uke instead of uke being decaped from gravity.

movement was ok but really twitchy.

dont like how you raised and lowered arms around frame 356

pose was really gross and ugly


tbh i like the replay more before this one.

if you think that replay was twitchy look at this terrible thing i made
Last edited by Hacks; Mar 24, 2014 at 10:39 PM.
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Originally Posted by uGKratos View Post
I have to say your in no position to judge replays as good as these, maybe give constructive criticism instead of straight up bashing his replays

There were a bit of constructive critisizm, it's not as bad as you think it is. Sure it coulda been said slightly better, but eh.

Hey water, once i get my tb working i'l CnC your replay. c:
it was pretty flowing.
Would have been nice if you could have landed on ya' feet after that first trick.

I'd work on doing more disciplined tricks. Like, go for something specific rather than just jumps and spins.

Keep goin'
Originally Posted by uGKratos View Post
I have to say your in no position to judge replays as good as these

I'd say user is "qualified" to judge "replays as good as these"

the opener was kinda lame but the spin was kinda cool, the landing/transition was weak, didn't flow very well, and you could have done something better with the cork setup you had there. that landing was also kinda weak too.
wow that
Actually user is a pretty good replay maker. It's just how she feels. Opinions are opinions. Everyone is entitled to them. I like the replay except how you land on your hands. The backflip spin type thing you were going for was stiff but not half bad. Pretty nice replay over all.