very nice leverage there, and it's fast and powerful. also liked how the punches extended fully at just the point of impact, unlike usually, when they end only semi-extended or go far behind the target once they've dismembered. there was one non-dismembering kick, however, but it could almost be taken as uke manipulation, so that the other end would come closer to you. but not quite. as you can see, I forgave the first non-dismembering kick because it was used for leverage. that's OK IMHO.

would just love to see a full madman from you. Since it needs so many hits, a grab wouldn't hurt it too much. If you can keep that rate for a full madman, it'd be awesome.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
A full mad man? Like this one? Uh... for some reason that's really glitchy for me now, is it for you guys.
That's weird because I didn't have to edit it too much.
Last edited by Vigilante; Oct 26, 2008 at 07:16 PM.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
It seems with that punch you have low dismember on or something o:

Refer to sig for what I think. Hot replay.
