yeah I still didnt get my 1.5k from kruschev but he didnt send me another pm saying he sent it.

I sent him the radioactive lax and grips but he didnt send me anything.
AH i remember this one he-he

I do it when people to me it's like

"you recived 100k from MAdgecko11"

cause i'm rich like dat

but only i only use it when people beg :P
Now with 100% less angst
god master of games that was a pretty picture
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Originally Posted by Tiebasher View Post
god master of games that was a pretty picture

Who is master of games?
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
i have treded my amyst force for acid relax force and prim and sec gradients
and radio active force and relaxc and iv only gotten the radio parts Please help the player name is killa911

killa911 is a hacker/scammer >.>
atleast, i think he is...
It makes me wonder..
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
i have treded my amyst force for acid relax force and prim and sec gradients
and radio active force and relaxc and iv only gotten the radio parts Please help the player name is killa911

PM a TA about this please