well it certainly looks cool, but the mapping is a bit (alot) off on at least a few of the joints.
The lines really ruing the set itself, and dark colors + dark shading makes it look very low quality. (I've learned from experience) Anyways overall it looks nice, but not great.
7/10, from me.
Please visit my Deviantart at: Thank you
I guess for your first set its alright, However:

As a few others have said, you only used the one joint texture. to have full joints and only use one texture is a waste of utilities. Attempt to integrate more designs into your joint textures and make it look different. (not abstract, but at least enough to differentiate and show the scales arent the same all around.)

Work on the head. I like what you did with the eyes, but the design seems flawed. The mapping of the back is rather jagged and too straight.