and i also agree with mr Evil thar, im not a fan of the gaia/sphinx/sapph colours, they seem dull and boring to me and prefer the brighter colours, this goes the same for the gaia/sphinx/sapph coloured sets.
i just find them boring...
if the reds were vamp, the blues more aqua/marine and the purples elf, then the sets would be like omg epic
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
This is more a matter of taste, but hey, that's what I asked for! ;)
I can't wear elf, so that's not an option for me. But turning the blue colour of the knight into aqua, mhm, that's a point I will consider. Although, wait ... it's actually insanely close to azurite - which didn't exist when I made the sets - so I'll better leave it like that, as I like azurite. For the gaia, oh well, don't like gaia neither too much, it's more for the contrast with the sphinx. So far I didn't really have the credits to actually have much choice for colours ^^
I have to push this all away for now, too many requests and I'm moving next week.