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[IMG] Dynasty Knight vs. Guardian of Gaia
I need some opinions. Affording my own full texture set is closing in. So I used the last week to dig out some free fantasy images (mostly KOEI & Final Fantasy) and cloned, cut, stretched, mirrored and improvised away. If you want to yell "Copy & Paste" now, though, feel free to do so ;) I'm getting to a point where I'm more or less content with the results. My trouble is now that I like boths sets a lot and can't decide which one I like better. So I like to hear some opinions about them. Constructive criticism is welcome, too, of course!
Thanks to Nobuddie's screen shop, wo made it possible to display them in shaders. I need a new pc soon ^^

They share the same head base as I wasn't happy with the first version for the knight head (too aggressive for my taste):

Further shots:
Dynasty Knight:

Guardian of Gaia:

Don't have good shots of dq or trails, but fair enough. You've get the general impression.
Gaia as in earth spirit, Ben ;) Ever seen Final Fantay: The Spirit Within? Otherwise, I'd called him Gaia Guardian.
In fact, I'd sent Nobuddie gaia relax and sphinx force when he told me that only the force is enough. Which was fine with me, I can still equip it for myself later.
Anyway, the colour scheme do fit gaia still. So the double meaning holds.
oh the colours work with it, but seeing as this is toribash, not FF, i would think the name is kind of contradictory
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
If someone lends me a Gaia force, I'll nag Nobuddie again to make some additional shots that come along with the name. I'd hoped to get more feedback on the textures then for their name, though. Personally, I wouldn't mind naming the sets "Sapphire force with some kind of armour" vs "Violet pineapple" ;)

Yep^^ Only the forces show up, so i only need these, or i could make screens of ingame,where you see the joints, but that dont looks that professionall

Of course i would do that screens again, i actually would like it more with gaia force too^^

"Sapphire Force with some kind of armour" vs "Violet pineapple"

I lold :3 =D

Take SFwskoa and not vp^^ sell vp
Originally Posted by Fluxit View Post
I'd hoped to get more feedback on the textures then for their name, though.

lol, k, some feedback on the sets then :P
the sets are excellent, looks almost too perfect though. like theyr photos edited to fit on tori... the eyes need depth, and a bit of detail, for the moment they have no character at all and look like the eyes have been stuck on top of the helmets instead of the helmet fitting over the head

the first head is the best imo
the new heads show growth and technical advancement compared to the first one, but they dont have the spontinaity and character that the first one has. like youve put too much thought into the head rather than getting the feel right
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I concur with BenDover.

These need richer colours and more contrast.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Thanks a lot for the input!

looks almost too perfect though. like theyr photos edited to fit on tori...

Credits to the original artists ;) Sources aren't photos but fantasy wallpapers, KOEI, Final Fantasy, as stated above. I can certainly live with "almost too perfect"
And I can only agree on the heads. While I like the helmets, the eyes troubled me a lot and what you see is not what I'm content with but the state where I lost my patience ^^ That's why the right helmet has no eyes altogether, which doesn't make it better. You nail it, no character. Kind of soulless. I'll have a look into that. I figure it'll help to drop some shadows around the inner eye slot. I also thought about inserting real (as in "fantasy real") looking eyes but for some reasons, that wasn't so appealing to me.

The colours are darker / with more contrast, by the way, I brightened up the shots as the shader settings made them dark from the front and bright from the back. But you're right, it would probably help, mostly for the guardian set. The back of dynasty warrior is dark blue, so that gives contrast enough with the shiny armour. You can't really see that because I don't have a good shot of the back (and for some reason, imgshack refuse to load the additional shots now, too ...).

Thanks, that was helpful.