Originally Posted by Zedfreak View Post
Music:bring me to life-Elekra
when the song finishes and thx i will get da money

you owe alot of money atm
I changed the example video to a far better one in case you guys were doubtin' my skillz.

Yuy wooterpoop!

Okay so ya start on our vid now that i FINALLY sent my replays <3

Btw, 'twud be nice if you could use Freecam.lua, here is an example of its use.
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays
I only got the start 'cause I had to go to Sydney, and I've been ballza sick.

Question: How would you feel about me including 'DrTre Presents' at the start, but still mentioning that they're your replays? Or having 'Video by DrTre' in there somewhere, or something of the sort?
"Last Activity: 9 Hours Ago 07:40 AM"

9 hours ago, were you doing something to do with our vid? If not, we want our money back...:s

EDIT: Oh thats right. Im sorry. Only one week ago you said school was wrapping you up. Well, sooner would be good. But, school is more important than tb eh? If there was no school, there would be no tb. So we can give you about a week or so more time. Hope things are cleared soon.
Last edited by psyfon; Mar 1, 2009 at 11:04 PM.
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays