FNugget made it. Use the search button to find it.
The replays were nothing special, nor were they terrible.
If you want someone to look at replays post them in "The Game" IF you make a video, however, I'm going to comment on the editing unless the replays were amazing/horrible.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Im a stupid bitch

im not afraid to say it either.

<3<3<3<3 from [woor] to stonewall!
dunt edit plox, rofl, i know you will, whatever, gg =)

Your average 1st movie, replays and drop music on it.
You should try shorter movies. Less design cycles, not as tedious when adding more detail in editing to make a better movie/watching experience.
I got bored after the first 10 seconds. Text was pointless, replays were slow and there was hud, bad replays, the music was too fast and the editing was horrid.

Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
I got bored after the first 10 seconds.

Maybe because the first 10 seconds was intro

Whoop Whoop
Muuvi is a folder inside my custom folder with my full texture set. I don't have all the texture items bought myself so i thought i'd use that one.
Whoop Whoop